Archives for the Month of July, 2010

Michael Mandiberg

Michael Mandiberg Work from “In 1936 Walker Evans photographed the Burroughs, a family of sharecroppers in Depression era Alabama. In 1979 in Sherrie Levine rephotographed Walker Evans’ photographs from the exhibition catalog “First and Last.” In 2001 Michael Mandiberg scanned these same photographs, and created and to facilitate their dissemination as a […]

Sam Songailo

Sam Songailo Work from Media Centre. “‘Abstraction has been less a search for the ultimately meaningful… than a recurrent push for the temporarily meaningless.’* Paintings that look like something are rubbish. Why not take a picture? Or just look at the real thing? Or if you really want to see something differently, just use your […]

Michael Naimark

Michael Naimark Work from Displacements. “Displacements is an immersive film installation. An archetypal Americana living room was installed in an exhibition space. Then two performers were filmed in the space using a 16mm motion picture camera on a slowly rotating turntable in the room’s center. After filming, the camera was replaced with a film loop […]

Phillipe Halsman

Phillipe Halsman Work from Jump. “Jump was born in 1952, Halsman said, after an arduous session photographing the Ford automobile family to celebrate the company’s 50th anniversary. As he relaxed with a drink offered by Mrs. Edsel Ford, the photographer was shocked to hear himself asking one of the grandest of Grosse Pointe’s grande dames […]

Cody Trepte

Cody Trepte Work from On Exactitude in Science. “Every period from Jorge Louis Borges’ “On Exactitude in Science” enlarged and then drawn from the third edition of Collected Fictions. “… In that Empire, the Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirety of a City, and the […]

Daniel Shea

Daniel Shea Work from Plume. “Plume is a photographic exploration of Southeast Ohio and its unusually dense concentration of coal-fired power plants. The project serves as a follow-up to the work I made in 2007 in Appalachia, Removing Mountains, which focused on mountaintop removal, a particularly pervasive form of coal mining. Plume follows this coal […]

Jimmy Joe Roche

Jimmy Joe Roche Work from his oeuvre. While not an essay on Roche, it is very fitting, and he is linked later in the article (not included). “Imagine a technological stew. In this big bubbling cauldron are piles of images, jpegs and mpegs of Super Mario Bros , Thundercats and Care Bears, strangely scratched 80s […]

Elodie Pong

Elodie Pong Work from her oeuvre. “Pong’s works explore the complexity of human relationships, the function and validity of cultural codes and references, and other social phenomena in contemporary society – specifically her own generation. “We are knights on the trajectories of a post-everything era,” she says. Her recent body of work can be seen […]

Guthrie Lonergan

This model is from a dream i had. i dreamed it would be a home for a person in outer space. it would float out in space aimlessly. the person would get his oxygen from the tree and his food from different fruit and vegetable plants that he would plant before being sent into space. […]

Robert Wodzinski

Robert Wodzinksi Work from Go to his website, you won’t regret it. “ is a web project started in summer 2006. in the beginning most content was generated through the corruption of jpeg files using a text editor. fragments and, occasionally, full bodies of texts were inserted into the jpeg’s data. eventually this method […]