Nicholas Gottlund Work from Plain and Fancy and Day Book. “Plain and Fancy plays with the concept of animism to present objects (oak leaves, a rug, tools, antlers, a cut branch from a spice bush) which may seem to have an inherent spirit or almost palpable sense of history. The photographs are shot with a […]
Archives for posts tagged ‘fantasy’
Simen Johan
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Simen Johan Work from Until the Kingdom Comes. Great articles here, here, and here. “In Until the Kingdom Comes, Johan presents animals using escapism and fantasy to construct identity and purpose. Similar to his earlier work of children, this series explores our predilection towards imagination and emotion, rather than reason. Using digitally manipulated photography and […]
Rivkah Young
Friday, 26 June 2009
Rivkah Young Work from the series Delos. “‘Welcome to paradise’ Which world did you just came from? The slogan of the leisure world Delos in the science fiction film Westworld. Michael Crichton staged the vision of a futuristic leisure park in 1973. Who travels to Delos, enters a recreation paradise of swordplays and western heros. […]