Archives for posts tagged ‘image’

Jacob Riddle

Jacob Riddle Work from .jpg. “All digital files are made up of information. This is the biggest difference between what is virtual and what is physical. .jpg is an acknowledgment of the digital information that creates what we view as an image. Beyond just acknowledging the image information, the code is manifested in the physical […]

Ted Davis

Ted Davis Work from TEXT2IMAGE “TEXT2IMAGE is an online tool by Ted Davis that does exactly what the name describes, but in a different way than one might expect. Rather than creating a typographic based image of the text submitted, TEXT2IMAGE renders an abstract image that is the translation of the given input. The results remain […]

Brad Troemel and Jonathan Vingiano

  Brad Troemel and Jonathan Vingiano Work from Blind Mist “Blind Mist is a platform that relies on participants to submit their URL to an open database. From here, the website scrapes every image off the URLs participants offer and adds those images to another archive.There is no limit to the number of URLs/images a participant may […]