Rick Silva

Rick Silva

Work from En Plein Air @ Transfer Gallery. The exhibition closes June 8th.

“RICK SILVA’S En Plein Air is an ongoing work — a statement that holds in multiple respects. At face value, this work is a continual series of sketches when assembled and compiled together make for a substantial work. But this series is also a collection of methodologies that speak to previous projects that work in similar ways. The long-term series is a common tendency within Silva’s practice seen in previous projects like Antlers Wifi, as well as his collaborative work with Jimpunk and Mr. Tamales (done under the moniker Abe Linkoln). However, the difference from these works and En Plein Air is how Silva uses the blog model to reflect on digital production under the influence of a larger art historical context. In doing so, this series marks a decisive moment for Silva in its attempt to tackle issues of the studio and the screen…” excerpted from the catalogue essay by Nicholas O’Brien.

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