Archives for posts tagged ‘photo book’

Johan Rosenmunthe

Johan Rosenmunthe Work from Transmutations. “What is a transmutation? It’s described as a sudden change from one generation to the next, that is large in comparison with the usual variation of an organism. The theory on the transmutation of species was proposed by Jean-Babtiste Lamarck in 1809. He believed that an innate life force, which […]

Lieko Shiga

Lieko Shiga Work from Lilly. “Her stunningly eerie images from the series Lilly manages to create an unreal sensation of being in viewers. Drawing inspiration from paranormal photographs popular in the early days of photography, Lieko shot these images of residents staying in a block of council flats in East London, where she was pursuing […]

Klara Källströms

Klara Källströms Work from Gingerbread Monument. “Gingerbread Monument is the photographer Klara Källströms debut book and an experiment in what a photography book can be. Besides only displaying the taken photographs alot of focus was put into the images that are yet to come. Images the photographer wishes to take in the future. The empty […]