Archives for the Month of January, 2016

Marie Lund

Marie Lund Work from PIT “Tell me what you see first. The surface. You meet the outermost layer first through reflection and resonance. Can you leave anything there? No, the surface repels. Drops just roll off. What then? Then rows of blows. Bang. Bang. Bang. The material turns around its surface. From convex to concave. […]

Gabriele Beveridge

Gabriele Beveridge Work from Mainland “Mainland, the exhibition is illustrated by an image that presents the opposite: a desert island. The sun bleached advertisement stages a destination on the fringe of the world; once a place of luxury, it is now forgotten, abstracted and submerged in shades of blue. Representations of the island have shifted […]

Aaron Curry

Aaron Curry Work from STARFUKER “Spanning both of the gallery’s exhibition spaces, STARFUKER will feature the debut of two new major bodies of work. One room will contain two large-scale aluminum and steel sculptures, and the other a group of paintings on shaped canvases. The formal advances in the sculptures and paintings on view represent some […]


Grey Martin Erik Andersen / Chris Bradley / Jesse Darling / Keith Farquhar / Anders Holen / Daniel Keller / Yves Scherer Curated by Domenico de Chirico at Brand New Gallery “Grey is a very common colour in nature. The human eye can recognize the same object as grey or as any other colour depending […]

Micah Hesse

Micah Hesse Work from Lobbyless “If the buildings adjoining parliament lacked lobbies, would lobbyists lobby less? Certain buildings harboring concentrations of power are fronted by porticos, loggias, and neoclassical facades that are often meant to symbolize communal inclusion and justice, but what if they were somehow flaccid and could be stretched and squashed? would it […]

Brian Bress

Brian Bress Work from his oeuvre. “An early video work by Brian Bress titled Rock Your Body (2006) finds the artist in a makeshift space suit dancing to Justin Timberlake’s eponymous song. In front of a carefully engineered homemade set composed of two French doors, two columns, and several sculptural objects, Bress dances while pulling […]

Dominic Hawgood

Dominic Hawgood Work from Under the Influence “Hawgood’s practice combines photography, moving image, CGI and lighting design, and explores the aesthetic crossovers between advertising, art and technology. His award winning series Under the Influence examines the use of exorcism within London based African evangelical churches, and the merchandising of these contemporary rituals. The enigmatic experience […]

Juliette Bonneviot

Juliette Bonneviot Work from Xenoestrogens “In her new series Xenoestrogens, Juliette Bonneviot continues her investigations into the nexus between ecology and gender by engaging with the materiality of things through a focused practice. She makes a speculative exploration of the hidden life and power of the chemical compound xenoestrogen (meaning: foreign estrogen), which looks like and […]

Katie Torn

Katie Torn Work from Room Fifteen at Panther Modern “New York-based visual artist Katie Torn has filled the fifteenth room of web-based art gallery Panther Modern with eye-catching fluid compositions. Working within the file-based exhibition space, she generated a series of shiny still-life-inspired visuals that fuze organic elements, flexible and distorted rendered character, plants, and […]

Fabiola Menchelli

Fabiola Menchelli Work from her oeuvre. “In a digital age where the boundaries between the virtual and the physical blend and generate new experiences, I am interested in using the language of abstraction to make images which seem to present a tangible visible reality but which are in fact never quite there, except in the […]