Archives for posts tagged ‘meta-art’

Laurie Kang

Laurie Kang Work from her oeuvre. “Laurie Kang works in photography, collage, sculpture and installation. Drawing from her personal female narrative, she uses sensitive materials to mine embedded social hierarchies and structures of power. ” – Laurie Kang

Jon Rafman

Jon Rafman Work from New Age Demanded. “Inspired by classical Greek busts, Jon Rafman uses computer software to digitally render three-dimensional forms. The forms act as the structural surface on which two-dimensional Internet-sourced images are applied. The series is presented as large-scale archival pigment digital prints. Each print is created with its own specific texture […]

Bethan Hews

Bethan Hews Work from her oeuvre. “‘Piss off I’m a fountain!’ an abusive notice board proclaims in white plastic letters on a black ground. Are these the words of an offended ornament that we have mistaken for a urinal? Or are they the angry reaction of a readymade that feels it has not been identified […]

Egon van Herreweghe

Egon van Herreweghe Work from Obituary of Time. “To celebrate the last night in my former studio I threw a little party. For me, the experiment was about the elusive nature of time and the accompanying sense of loss that is omnipresent in the act of experiencing. I reflected upon the discobolus sculpture with its […]

Vinjon (Jordan Vineyard and Hunter Jonakin)

Vinjon (Jordan Vineyard and Hunter Jonakin) Work from their current exhibition at MOCA Tucson. “Vinjon Global Corp is a collaborative art project, as well as a privately traded C-Corp, which is registered in Minnesota. It was founded in 2012 by Hunter Jonakin and Jordan Vinyard in order to create products for artists, art installations, and […]

New Media Lecture Series – Nicholas O’Brien

“Nicholas O’Brien is a net-based artist, curator, and writer whose research primarily revoles around the exploration of digital self, language, and the relevance of landscape studies within network culture. His multi-disciplined practice encompasses experimental interviews, performance based blogs, 3D animation, writing editorial columns on contemporary art, and micro-lectures on popular cultural phenomenon that borrow from traditional cinematic and literary […]

Giulio Paolini

Giulio Paolini Work from his oeuvre. “…From the inception of Arte povera in the late 1960s Paolini was considered one of its leading exponents. Although he shared the conceptual emphasis of his colleagues, during the 1970s he turned increasingly to an investigation of the whole system of art as recorded in museums. The most famous […]

Amanda Ross Ho

Amanda Ross Ho Work from her oeuvre.

New Media Lecture Series – Jennifer Chan

Jennifer Chan is an artist-curator who works in and outside of traditional exhibition spaces. Her work explores institutional critique and feminist perspectives in video and web-based media. Chan is a recipient of the Mississauga Art Awards for Emerging Visual Talent in 2008. She has exhibited her work at Transmediale 2012, GLI.TC/H Festival, Portland Art Museum, […]

Sreshta Rit Premnath

Sreshta Rit Premnath Work from Storeys End. “Storeys End seems a culmination of Sreshta Rit Premnath’s engagement with the Viennese philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein, who undoubtedly acts as a kind of muse for the artist. Like Wittgenstein, Premnath relishes philosophical, linguistic, and cultural aporia. In Storeys End, named after the address where Wittgenstein composed his posthumous […]