Price Bullington Work from his oeuvre. “My universe is an ongoing creation of my own mythology, it’s a reflection of my fleeting, ever evolving conciousness. I turn my brain off when I create, it’s a moving meditation like Tai Chi where the end result is creation. Like dreams my work reveals my unconcious through metaphors, […]
Archives for the Month of August, 2014
Megan Francis Sullivan
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Megan Francis Sullivan Work from “Dropping Syllables” at Matthew, Berlin. “On the exterior of Mathew, the colors of the Jamaican flag wrap the side window, projecting to the surrounding neighborhood. In the moment of the FIFA World Cup, flags call messages throughout the cityscape. Based on a version of artist Tom Burr’s Screens, […]
Ben Schumacher
Monday, 25 August 2014
Ben Schumacher Work from Rebirth of the Bath House “Schumacher’s brief experience as an architect gave him an interest in diagrams, notes and drawings, as well as models, material samples and more or less sophisticated printing and graphic techniques. But what has also actively enriched his art is the abstract side of architecture, particularly “speculative execution” […]
Khalil Rabah
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Khalil Rabah Work from his oeuvre. “Khalil Rabah’s Palestinian Museum of Natural History and Humankind (2003–ongoing) is an elusive national museum that was established, in the words of its newsletter, “to inspire wonder, encourage discovery, and promote knowledge.” With departments spanning fields such as botany, geology, and paleontology, the Museum through its newsletter assumes a […]
Martina Klein
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Martina Klein Work from her oeuvre (and in part from her current exhibition at Galerie Tschudi. “Martina Klein, born in 1962 in Trier (DE), makes large monochrome canvases, which are most of the time not hanging on the wall in an usual way, but stand against the wall or stand free in space, like an […]
Justin Hodges
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Justin Hodges Work from Under Construction. “The still life has an expansive history in artistic practice, generally conjuring images of tabletops filled with flowers and wine glasses. Less obvious, though, is its ubiquitous existence as advertising, spanning the gap from print to screen. Simply, Under Construction is a body of work, which questions the way […]
Ger van Elk
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Ger van Elk Work from his oeuvre. (1941-2014) “”No one is more adept at calling attention to the way art calls attention to itself,” Susan Tallman wrote of van Elk in A.i.A. in 2009. The advent of Fluxus and Happenings made Amsterdam a breeding ground of avant-garde activity during this time. Van Elk was […]
Pierre Huyghe
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Pierre Huyghe Work from his recent exhibition at Museum Ludwig. “In The Host and the Cloud, a live experiment was carried out over the course of one year in an abandoned ethnographic Museum in Paris. A group of people were exposed to live situations that appeared accidentally in the entire building. The Host and the Cloud […]
Future Retrieval
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Future Retrieval Work from Image of Order. “”Image of Order” was made by Future Retrieval, in collaboration with Chris Vorhees. “Image of Order” is inspired in equal parts by 2001: A Space Odyssey, James Turrell, and the English Neo-classical rooms at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. The idea was to build […]
Hito Steyerl
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Hito Steyerl Work from “How Not To Be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational Installation” at Andrew Kreps, New York. “The Andrew Kreps Gallery is pleased to present How Not To Be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational Installation, an exhibition by Berlin-based artist Hito Steyerl. The exhibition features two videos as well as sculptural-photographic objects, and is […]