Archives for the Month of February, 2009

Sebastian Errazuriz

Sebastian Errazuriz Works from The Cow, The Tree, and the (Duchamp inspired) Limited Editions. Statements are provided on the website. Sculpture / Installation Art.

Barbara Hilski

Barbara Hilski Work from the series Tarnung (translation from German: Camouflage). Hilski was in Thomas Ruff’s class at the Kunstacademie Düsseldorf, whose web page is worth exploring. Hilski also has some other work here.

Yevgeniy Fiks

Yevgeniy Fiks Work from the piece Lenin For Your Library? I saw a show the Fiks was a part of at the Art Laboratory Berlin recently and there was a fantastic piece which I could not find on the internet. Opposite the wall of letters from various corporate libraries was the piece described below (by […]

Mike Slack

  Mike Slack Work from the series A Multitude on Unlike Events* and OK OK OK “DESCRIPTION 100 units of photographic data collected by Mike   Slack from a fixed location in Los Angeles, CA,  on February 5, 2007. Each envelope contains one   unit of data, to be distributed to the general  public during the […]

Veron Urdarianu

Veron Urdarianu I stumbled across this work today and it calls to mind Ezawa Kota‘s work which I had debated posting last week. From what I could find on Urdarianu, his inspirations are not photographic, but his work reveals so much about the compositions and conventions of photogaphy.Works above were made between 2006-2008.

Marc Volk

Marc Volk Work from the series Speed, Raster 384, Same Time / Same Place (top to bottom). Volk’s work (particularly Raster 384 and Same Time / Same Place) recalls Probst’s process oriented conceptual work from Exposures. In Raster 384 and Same Time / Same Place Volk uses extreme crops of a single image to provide […]

David A. Parker

I saw David A. Parker‘s photographs in a show a couple of years back and have continued to be intrigued by his “Escape Strategies” series.  I also like the “Circular Reasoning” series:

Jasper van den Brink

I first saw Jasper van den Brink‘s photographs on the cover of Cabinet Magazine’s Electricity issue. Great issue, by the way. The photographs from the “Pigeon Lights” series are intriguing, but I also like the more performance-oriented projects, such as “Bouncing Balls”, in which 200 colored balls are placed on a drawbridge and allowed to […]

Gerald Förster

Gerald Förster Work from the series Nocturnal. This work is part of a double feature, it is an interesting departure from Krisár’s Close, Please and an interseting body of work in its own right. “Sex contains all, bodies, souls,Meanings, proofs, purities, delicacies, results, promulgations,Songs, commands, health, pride, the maternal mystery, the seminal milk,All hopes, benefactions, […]

Anders Krisár

  Anders Krisár Work from the series Close, Please. “Concealed human presences haunt the images of Anders Krisar, a Swedish photographer with an odd agenda. In ”Hiding the Hidden,” three large and sharply detailed unpeopled photographs, made in parks on the outskirts of Stockholm, the focus seems to be a tree or two: decorous, well-barked […]