Archives for posts tagged ‘japanese’

Naoya Hatakeyama

Naoya Hatakeyama Work from BLAST. “Do not be afraid, yet do not make light of nature. Always keep the gods in mind with prayer… Imagine a huge piece of rock, like a mountain, that you wanted to take a part of home. How would you do it? If you had a hammer, like a geologist, […]

Yuki Kimura

Yuki Kimura Work from her oeuvre. “Gluck50 is pleased to present the first solo exhibition in Italy of works by the Japanese artist Yuki Kimura. Yuki Kimura’s artistic practice is based on the medium of photography. She uses both her own and found images which she reassembles in different contexts, giving them new meaning. The […]

Ramon Todo

Ramon Todo Work from his oeuvre. “Using stones and bricks with history and culture of the land, he creats the sculpture of the stones put in polished glasses.” – Art Front Gallery

Mitsuko Miwa

Mitsuko Miwa Works from Rendition at Longhouse Projects. “Rendition focuses on multiplicity within the medium of painting. In one body of work, Miwa offers seemingly typical “abstract paintings”—bands of color that are derived from stacks of nameless books, providing a pictorial dilemma, in which the viewer is asked to read but cannot. In another body […]

Ryoji Ikeda

Ryoji Ikeda Work from test pattern. “This latest audiovisual work from Ryoji Ikeda, presents intense flickering black and white imagery, which floats and convulses in darkness to a stark and powerful, highly synchronised soundtrack. Through a real–time computer programme, test pattern converts Ikeda’s audio signal patterns into tightly synchronized barcode patterns on screen. The velocity […]

Ryoji Ikeda

Ryoji Ikeda Work from his exhibition at the Hamburger Bahnhof “Japanese composer and visual artist Ryoji Ikeda has conceived an exhibition for the Hamburger Bahnhof that, for the first time, compositionally unites the two symmetrical halls on the upper level of the museum’s east and west wings. The exhibition’s title db (short for decibel) refers to this symmetry while simultaneously […]

Keiichi Tanaami and Oliver Payne

Keiichi Tanaami and Oliver Payne Work from Perfect Cherry Blossom. “…The exhibition title is not only a symbol for flourishing spring and peace but also the name of one of the most advanced and violent Japanese Bullet Hell Games. A video game made by gamers for gamers from a time before the gaming industry turned […]

Yuri Suzuki

Yuri Suzuki Work from his oeuvre. “‘with the lost of their physicality, objects become virtual existences. the reason why I have a feeling of uneasiness towards sound recorded in a digital format, is because the digital data of sound is nothing more than a virtual copy of the existing original’ says suzuki the ‘record’ was […]

Masaki Fujihata

Masaki Fujihata Work from Field-works “Field-Works is a series of projects which reconstrust collective memories into cyberspace as a kind of video archive by using position data captured by GPS and moving image captured by Video. Simultaneous Echos is the most recent production of the series Field-works, composting video images and locational data captured by […]

Nobuhiro Nakanishi

Nobuhiro Nakanishi Work from Layer Drawings. “The theme of my work is “the physical that permeates into the art piece.”  In a foggy landscape, we no longer see what we are usually able to see – the distance to the traffic light, the silhouette of the trees, the slope of the ground. Silhouettes, distance and […]