Archives for posts tagged ‘swedish’

Mårten Lange

Mårten Lange Work from Another Language “In Another Language Mårten Lange examines the natural world and the sciences surrounded by it. By capturing flora, animals, and natural phenomena he creates a visual enigmatic and intimate world where the subjects are distanced from their environments; they appear as sculptures in frozen photographic moments. The aesthetics of science and […]

Karl Larsson

Karl Larsson Work from “Twelve Hours” at Galerie Kamm, Berlin “When Foucault enters the amphitheater, brisk and dynamic like someone who plunges into the water, he steps over bodies to reach his chair, pushes away the cassette recorders so he can put down his papers, removes his jacket, lights a lamp and sets off at […]

Tiril Hasselknippe

Tiril Hasselknippe Work from her oeuvre. “The grid is dead. It hasn’t been around for a long time. There are no grids in alien DNA. The grids were a part of the New Post Era. Their ideas were romantic but futile and the bickering concerning capital blocked their minds. It is so long ago. We remember […]

Charlott Markus

Charlott Markus Work from Pygmalion. “Charlott Markus constructs still life arrangements that manifest as site-specificinstallations or photography. Her work explores an intermediate stage, they are betweenfamiliar and unfamiliar. Thus she uses leaving spaces and materials are affected and have no further function. In precise composition given objects and places with a history of their role in a new reality. Markus’ sense of the picturesque, the tactile and sculpturalimages in her compositions gives a poetic and timeless power.” – ACF translated by google.

Vanessa Billy

Vanessa Billy Work from her oeuvre. Also, there is a review of a recent show at This is Tomorrow. “To misquote Ecclesiastes, ‘The sun also rises, the sun goes down […] All art is meaningless and a striving after wind.’ Vanessa Billy’s Suns Neither Rise Nor Set (2008) comprises two convex glass discs that looked […]

Nicola Bergström Hansen

Nicola Bergström Hansen Work from Boids and Stockholm City SMS. “Basic models of flocking behavior are controlled by three simple rules: •Separation (behavior) – avoid crowding neighbors (short range repulsion)•Alignment (behavior) – steer towards average heading of neighbors•Cohesion (behavior) – steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction) In 1986 Craig Reynolds created ‘Boids’ […]

Jacob Broms

Jacob Broms Work from Facebook Intense, a bit of space wandering in space, paths to enlightenment, and walk in the park. The images above are mostly replications and screen captures, I highly recommend you follow the links to experience the full piece.  “Jacob Broms Englom is an artist based in Stockholm, Sweden. His work is […]

Klara Källströms

Klara Källströms Work from Gingerbread Monument. “Gingerbread Monument is the photographer Klara Källströms debut book and an experiment in what a photography book can be. Besides only displaying the taken photographs alot of focus was put into the images that are yet to come. Images the photographer wishes to take in the future. The empty […]

Simon Berg

Simon Berg Work from APAN ÄR RÄDD. You can buy the book here. “An intense portrayal of a seemingly meaningless everyday life. But these intimate close-ups show us something other than just eternally recurring routines. For out of the cracks from the civilized facade seeps another story forward, the story of a life where every […]

Gustav Gustafsson

Gustav Gustafsson Work from 24 Photographs (Mostly). “Evasive and mysterious, Gustav Gustafsson, is a talented young Swede who does not abide by scholastic philosophy. Maybe this is the key to understanding his work, a photographic investigation which is driven by its significance rather than technique, which ironically bends a certain Scandinavian tradition. His project on […]