Archives for the Month of November, 2012

De Wain Valentine

De Wain Valentine Work from his oeuvre. “The sculptures that Mr. Valentine has made over the last four decades — quasireligious incarnations of coastal light and air made from some of the most sterile, synthetic materials ever produced by American industry — are not exactly low-end  bartering chips. They have been showing up with increasing […]

Trevor Paglen

Trevor Paglen Work from The Last Pictures. As of yesterday, Paglen’s project with Creative Time is in Geostationary Orbit. “In 1963 NASA launched the first communications satellite “Syncom 2” into a geosynchronous orbit over the Atlantic Ocean. Since then, humans have slowly and methodically added to this space-based communications infrastructure. Currently, more than 800 spacecraft in […]

Carlos Cruz-Diez

Carlos Cruz-Diez Work from “The Color Space & Time” at Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo – MUAC. “Carlos Cruz-Diez: Color in space and time is the first retrospective of Franco-Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez. The exhibition presents a selection of 120 works made from 1940 to the present, which bring the public to a large production center for art artist […]

Charlotte Posenke

Charlotte Posenke Work from her exhibition at Melas Papadopoulos, Athens. “Deschenes and Posenenske, separated by time and geography, recast questions of form, production, distribution, ontology, consumption, seeing and displaying. In this constellation, reversals are operating as points of intersection: uniqueness vs unlimited reproduction, materiality vs technologically produced objects referencing consumer goods, fragility vs sturdiness. The conversation […]

Pim Leenan

Pim Leenen Work from his/her oeuvre. “Compared with the existence of space or matter, the existence of time is always something fragile, something paradoxical, as though it is not quite real. My work is often a study of photographic reality and plays with the concept of time. I am fascinated by the wreck or even […]

Joel Holmberg

Joel Holmberg Work from his oeuvre Joel Holmberg’s work spans sculpture, websites, and digital images. Imagery and forms seemingly come from any source imaginable, spanning production from all points in history, from Chinese Qing dynasty cabinets to contemporary flat panel screens. His work incorporates a variety of contemporary means of production, from 3D printing to […]

Bertrand Lavier

Bertrand Lavier Works from his exhibition at The Centre Pompidou. “Bertrand Lavier has built a work which, according to various “sites” opened but never closed, invites his audience to free itself from its certainties. Playing with the categories, codes, genres and materials, art Lavier manifest an inclination for addition, crossing, hybridisation transposition. The retrospective presented […]


Semiconductor Work from Brilliant Noise. “Brilliant Noise takes us into the data vaults of solar astronomy. After sifting through hundreds of thousands of computer files, made accessible via open access archives, Semiconductor have brought together some of the sun’s finest unseen moments. These images have been kept in their most raw form, revealing the energetic […]

Karlos Gil

Karlos Gil Work from his oeuvre. “…Using this as a starting point, Gil explores different language systems through the translation and fragmentation of specific texts. At the same time, this allows him to reflect on language’s different layers of interpretation and meaning, and their non-communicative employment, through various conceptual strategies. Using a broad range of […]

François Morellet

François Morellet Work from his oeuvre. “…For Morellet, a work of art refers only to itself. His titles are generally sophisticated, show some word play, and describe the “constraints” or “rules” that he used to create them. Like other contemporary artists who use constraints and chance (or the aleatory) in their works (John Cage in […]