Tilman Horning Work from his oeuvre. “The central component of the work Before and After: An image about potential Before and After: about the ideas motivation Before and After: I am familiar with mandarins Before and After: December, November, October Before and After: the central component of the work Before and After: I am familiar […]
Archives for posts tagged ‘text’
Erik Bulatov
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Erik Bulatov From top to bottom: Not to be Leaned On (1987), People in a Landscape (1976), Two Landscapes on a Red Background (1972-74), Horizon (1971-72) “Eric Bulatov was born in Sverdlovsk in 1933 and was raised in Moscow. He began his studies at the Moscow School of Art and finished at the Surikov Institute in 1958. After working several years […]
Guillermo R. Gudiño
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Guillermo R. Gudiño Work from his oeuvre. “Your mind is attempting to escape from this text and it takes some effort to stay here, present. This happens to us all, several times in a day, but most of the time we don’t notice how it is affecting our behavior. It is useful to be able […]
Céline Condorelli
Monday, 23 July 2012
Céline Condorelli Work from Support Structures (A co-production with Support Structure: Céline Condorelli and Gavin Wade) “Support Structures is a manual for what bears, sustains, props, and holds up. It is a manual for those things that encourage, give comfort, approval, and solace; that care for and provide consolation and the necessities of life. It […]
Keith Lea
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Keith Lea Work from Banner Series. “The Banner series deconstructs our culture’s use of politically charged language to influence others. “Freedom,” “Progress” – these are words which those in power use uncritically to sell their goals and lifestyles to the masses. When given the sentence fragment “Freedom From,” the viewer is encouraged to consider what […]
Erik Van Der Weijde
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Erik Van Der Weijde Work from Der Baum. “Der Baum shows 44 photographs of trees, taken by Van der Weijde over the past few years. The list of places where the photographs were taken includes different locations in Europe and Brazil. Their descriptions range from specified historical sites, such as the elementary school Adolf Hitler […]
Slavs and Tatars
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Slavs and Tatars Work from their oeuvre. “Slavs and Tatars is a faction of polemics and intimacies devoted to an area east of the former Berlin Wall and west of the Great Wall of China known as Eurasia. The collective’s work spans several media, disciplines, and a broad spectrum of cultural registers (high and low) focusing […]
Ali Hossaini
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Ali Hossaini Work from 4Monkeys Blue room – (See animated GIF) White room – (See animated GIF) Red room – (See animated GIF) Yellow room – (See animated GIF) “The installation realizes Jorge Luis Borges’ utopian concept of the universal library, as it will eventually express every piece of knowledge, every work of literature and every mundane conversation – […]
Mirko Martin
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Mirko Martin Work from Noir – video (here). “The video documents a night in my Los Angeles neighborhood during a half-year stay in 2008. Monitoring gang activity, police helicopters circled the neighborhood on a regular basis. On a particularly noisy night, I went out to capture some sound. Within minutes, I heard gunshots. Over a black […]
New Media Lecture Series – Jason Huff
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Jason Huff was born in Atlanta, GA in 1981. He recently received his MFA in Digital+Media from the Rhode Island School of Design. His work was recently exhibited at the MFA Thesis Exhibition at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Current and upcoming shows include Pixilerations in Providence, RI and BYOB in Cincinnati, OH. His project […]