Archives for posts tagged ‘american culture’

Greg Wasserstrom

Greg Wasserstrom Work from USA!USA! (The Doldrums) From an interview with Liz Kuball: Liz: I love your project The Doldrums. It feels really cohesive in its disjointedness to me, like there’s a madness with a method underneath. Is that intentional, or does it just come out that way? I tend to be worried about drawing […]

Harrison Haynes

Harrison Haynes Work from Distruptive Patterns. “LB: Your work often contains an isolated object/figure in an open field as is the case here. Is this an aspect of the work, or a way of discussing the work? HH: I have a preoccupation with decontextualization. Focusing on details or objects within my everyday surroundings and thinking […]

Helen Mirra

Helen Mirra Work from her oeuvre. “My work can perhaps be described as conceptual ecology, or pragmatist artmaking. My disparate though generally minimalist practice occurs in varied scrap media. In various ways, moreover, I’ve been thinking in my making life about the relationships between scale, time spans, modesty and bluntness. I build in a simple […]

Larry Sultan and Mike Mandel

Larry Sultan and Mike Mandel Work from Evidence. Below is a section of Larry Sultan’s (1946-2009) obituary from the New York Times, Larry died yesterday in California. “…In the mid 1970s using a grant and a letter of introduction from the National Endowment for the Arts, Mr. Sultan and Mike Mandel, who had met as […]

Jim Goldberg

Jim Goldberg Work from Rich and Poor. “Rich and Poor confronts the myth of the American dream with the harsh economic reality of the American class system. Yet this documentary is more complex than that, for by including the protagonists’ voices in the form of text on his images Goldberg represents not just the polarity […]

Rachel Perry Welty

Rachel Perry Welty Work from Spam Messages. “Spam is a daily annoyance, but in these words that came to my inbox, I found something accidentally poetic. I was struck by the sheer possibility suggested by these messages. Taken out of the context for which they were intended, and re-inserted into another kind of economy (that […]

Josh Azzarella

Josh Azzarella Stills from Untitled #1 (Fantasia). “Known for his video and photography manipulations of monumental news imagery, including the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, and the Tiananmen Square protests, Josh Azzarella is a whiz at altering and erasing history. The artist’s latest project, which was two […]

Tema Stauffer

Tema Stauffer Work from American Stills. “To perceive and subsequently reveal an inherent beauty in what may be characterized as “commonplace” requires the observer (i.e. the photographer) to consider specifically the act of seeing what is “there” or simply what “is.” Images that suggest recognition and acceptance of the banal differ from those, perhaps more […]

Richard Prince

Richard Prince Work From Untitled (Publicities). “Richard Prince has heard America singing, and it is not in tune. The paradoxically beautiful, seamless 30-year survey of his work at the Guggenheim Museum catches many of our inharmonious country’s discontents and refracts them back to us. The central message of this array of about 160 photographs, drawings, […]

Drew Leshko

Drew Leshko Work from Simple Solutions. “Simply Solutions is a documentary project spawning from the problem solving skills of Peco energy. Each photograph was recreated in miniature in my studio. I was first drawn to the telephone lines because of the quick fixes, or in some cases no fixes at all. These potentially hazardous situations […]