Archives for posts tagged ‘context’

Ben Barretto

Ben Barretto Work from Paintings Paintings. “The set of oil paintings, belonging to a series the artist calls ‘painting paintings’ depict a collision of abstraction and process based action painting. For these works a set amount of oil paint is spread over a number of canvases and the surface of each canvas is systematically stamped […]

Guillermo R. Gudiño

Guillermo R. Gudiño Work from his oeuvre. “Your mind is attempting to escape from this text and it takes some effort to stay here, present. This happens to us all, several times in a day, but most of the time we don’t notice how it is affecting our behavior. It is useful to be able […]

Eileen Quinlan

Eileen Quinlan Work from Smoke and Mirrors. “…As the title of the series suggests, the logic of this work is divided between the rhetoric of a popular skepticism about the verity of the representational image, and the lack of a descriptive capacity regarding its material reality. That something is being obfuscated is asserted, but what […]

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin Work from People in Trouble. “People in trouble laughing pushed to the ground. Soldiers leaning, pointing, reaching. Woman sweeping. Balloons escaping. Coffin descending. Boys standing. Grieving. Chair balancing. Children smoking. Embracing. Creatures barking. Cars burning. Helicopters hovering. Faces. Human figures. Shapes. Birds. Structures left standing and falling… The Belfast Exposed […]

Caroline Heider

Caroline Heider Work from her oeuvre. Caroline Heider bases her work on existing pictures, on a public world of images which is conveyed in magazines, for example. Media-related images are a reality of their own and have their reflexive effect on the world. The artist’s interests focus on this process and the social and cultural […]

Jasper Rigole

Jasper Rigole Work from Outnumbered. “OUTNUMBERED, a brief history of imposture is an audiovisual installation that examines the strategies used in making documentaries, Fact Fiction novels and popular scientific equivalents. Jasper Rigole examines concepts such as authenticity and objectivity by taking on a quasi – encyclopedic approach to his subject matter and presenting it with […]

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse Work from Quick. “…His work from Eastern Congo, a part of the world largely overlooked by mainstream media, is no exception. Mosse used Aerochrome, an obsolete technology, to create an alternative image of the complex social and political dynamics of the country. The film, designed in connection with the United States military during […]

Guthrie Lonergan

This model is from a dream i had. i dreamed it would be a home for a person in outer space. it would float out in space aimlessly. the person would get his oxygen from the tree and his food from different fruit and vegetable plants that he would plant before being sent into space. […]

Ivars Gravlejs

Ivars Gravlejs Work from My Newspaper.  Not much is written about this work, an in many ways, the beauty is in the simplicity. “For one year I was working as a photo reporter in a daily newspaper “Deník” in Prague. Before sending photographs to the newspaper I manipulated them in Photoshop. Usually I was changing […]

Kelly Mark

Kelly Mark Work from Horridor, The Kiss, and REM. ______________________________ Review of Horridor can be found here. A new work created for Scotia Band Nuit Blanche 2008, Horroridor is a 6-channel dvd installation utilizing found footage from various genres including horror-thriller-sci/fi-action-drama-comedy. The installation examines Hollywood’s construction of the reaction to the unknown. Horroridor strips away […]