Archives for posts tagged ‘theory’

New Media Lecture Series – Nicholas O’Brien

“Nicholas O’Brien is a net-based artist, curator, and writer whose research primarily revoles around the exploration of digital self, language, and the relevance of landscape studies within network culture. His multi-disciplined practice encompasses experimental interviews, performance based blogs, 3D animation, writing editorial columns on contemporary art, and micro-lectures on popular cultural phenomenon that borrow from traditional cinematic and literary […]

New Media Lecture Series – Jennifer Chan

Jennifer Chan is an artist-curator who works in and outside of traditional exhibition spaces. Her work explores institutional critique and feminist perspectives in video and web-based media. Chan is a recipient of the Mississauga Art Awards for Emerging Visual Talent in 2008. She has exhibited her work at Transmediale 2012, GLI.TC/H Festival, Portland Art Museum, […]

Adrien Lucca

Adrien Lucca Work from D65. More info on colorimetry here. Lucca is currently working on a software collaboration with Robert Ochshorn. “…An original ‘great’ failure At the beginning of the 20th century, a fascinating project – promoted by a branch of so-called ‘abstract art’ (notably Kandinsky, Klee, Kupka) – was embodied in the desire to […]

New Media Lecture Series – Martin Kohout

Martin Kohout 1984, Prague (Czech Republic). Based in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Represented by Exile, Berlin. The works below are from Watching Martin Kohout (2010-2011) with a really solid essay by Gene McHugh from Post Internet. “Watching Martin Kohout, a work by Martin Kohout recently exhibited on’s year-long “Serial Chillers in Paradise” […]

New Media Lecture Series – Jason Huff

Jason Huff was born in Atlanta, GA in 1981. He recently received his MFA in Digital+Media from the Rhode Island School of Design. His work was recently exhibited at the MFA Thesis Exhibition at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Current and upcoming shows include Pixilerations in Providence, RI and BYOB in Cincinnati, OH. His project […]

Stephen Willats

Stephen Willats Work from his installation at MOT International. “It is both an intention and an outcome that the development of my art practice encompasses the polemics and issues of our contemporary culture and society as a means of consciously examining the function and meaning of art in society. This necessarily takes it beyond the […]

Hyperjunk: Notes on the Installation Demands of Media Objects

Hyperjunk: Notes on the Installation Demands of Media Objects Essay by Nicholas O’Brien – reproduced from Bad at Sports. Documentation Photo of A Small Forest at Kunsthalle New “The representation and exhibition of digital or computer based works in the gallery is no small task for today’s young contemporary curator/gallery manager. Without even considering the […]

Sterling Crispin

Sterling Crispin Work from his Greek New Media Shit featuring the work of Michael Manning, Mario Zoots, Sasha Kurmaz, and Ary. “A headless statue of winged Nike, black pixels swarming above her stumped neck. A collage of ancient, sand-colored busts and patterns drawn with a Sharpie. A Michelangelo’s Pieta coated in blue-streaked purple sludge. These […]

John Powers

John Powers Work from Star Wars Modern (among others). Below is a blog post Powers wrote regarding statements. The statement in question can be found here. “I spent the morning working on a couple applications. One was for the Guggenheim’s YouTube show. I decided to submit the short test I did with the help of […]

Liz Wendelbo

Liz Wendelbo Work from (primarily) Optiks. “Her filmmaking predicates resistance to cinema as a virtual medium – this resistance in film is what she refers to as Cold Cinema. It is a sentiment and a philosophy which places the artist in a position of resistance, akin to a soldier in a bunker, or Plato’s imaginary […]