Archives for the Month of April, 2009

Matthew Gamber

Matthew Gamber  Work from This is (still) the Golden Age “As one of the first photographic methods, the photogram was empirically valued for its ability to trace an object by direct contact. To view a photogram is to witness the recent absence of an object that had touched the paper. The need to experience that […]

Anne Collier

Anne Collier “Over the past decade Anne Collier has forged a rigorous body of works that engage in a unique dialogue with contemporary photography. Collier produces tight, sparely formalized compositions often using a technique of re-photography. Using an approach that can be compared to artists like John Baldessari, Sherry Levine and Louise Lawler, Collier’s work […]

Takeshi Moro

Takeshi Moro Work from the series, Pedestal for Apology. “My work explores the personal and public reconciliation process and how these experiences may be manifested within the experience of art. I am interested in contemplating the accumulated historical weight that each of us inherits in society and that, to a certain extent, defines our identities. […]

Derk Duit

Derk Duit Work from the series (un)natural and another, untitled, body of work. I was initially drawn in by Duit’s work about (my assumption here) wind / wind power in the Netherlands, and I was in the mood for some slightly more traditional photography today. His statement is short because Duit  is not a fan […]

Kim Beck

Kim Beck Work from Site I Works (new developments, space available, there, and tree islands). Much of Beck’s work makes reference to stereoscopic vision, both literally and conceptually, in a way that makes one consider her work as a metacritique of artistic interpretation. I am a huge fan of this work, and I am thrilled […]

Thomas Ruff

Thomas Ruff Work from the series Jpeg. I know that everyone is (or at least should be) aware of Thomas Ruff, but I was thinking about his work all day yesterday and I really wanted to post his jpegs work today, and as soon as I can afford it, I am going to buy the […]

Ben Hartschuh

Ben Hartschuh Work from A Thousand Windows. I was drawn in by some of his out of focus portraiture, and I found this work about voyeurism and webcam culture. “I saw this one where a couple was just sleeping. The lights were on and they were sleeping.No sound though, you couldn’t hear him snore. One […]

Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs

Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs Work from the series Twilight Switch.  “The photo series Twilight Switch (2006) is Swiss artist duo Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs’ witty riff on the tradition of documenting the road trip. Inspired by numerous books, songs and movies, the series specifically focuses on the vast landscape of the continental United […]

Yvonne Lacet

Yvonne Lacet Work from the series template of a sleeping city. “For the project ‘Template of a sleeping city’ I was walking through nightly cityscapes and suburbs. The sketch-photographs I took while walking were dominated by circles, squares and rectangles; a completely abstract image showed up. These images can be seen everywhere; the night brushes […]

JK Keller

JK Keller Works from Tantamount, and Insecurity Envelopes, and A Fictitious Argument Emerges Between Coriolis & Beaufort Work from his massive and thouroughly engaging website. Keller’s work is a collection of pieces  interventions into reality that serve to recontextualize objects, images, and media. Also see his blog. Tantamount: “Photographs of mountains are computationally altered to flatten […]