Archives for the Month of March, 2009

Helmut Smits

Helmut Smits Work from: Dead Pixel in Google Earth, Parking for White Cars Only, FLAMMA and Skirting Board Sunset. I urge you to check out his entire public works section, all of the pieces are smart and compelling. “I believe that every situation, thought or object carries a good work of art in itself. I […]

Koheis Yoshiyuki

Koheis Yoshiyuki Work from The Park (1971-1979). The work is not new at all, but it really is great and I wanted to put it up today. If you haven’t seen these yet, you have been missing out. Great write-up from Philip Gefter at the New York Times. “WHY are the Japanese couples in Kohei […]

Jason DeMarte

Jason DeMarte Work from the series Utopic and Commercial Appeal. DeMarte’s use of the dyptich is really stunning. Shown in order.  “Utopic investigates how the artificial nature of our modern day interpretation of the natural world compares to the way we approach our immediate consumer world. I am interested in modes of representing the natural […]

Penelope Umbrico

Penelope Umbrico Work from the series TVs, Office / Still Lives (as Photocopies), and Mirrors. Umbrico is a photographer/curator of sorts who sources home improvement catalogues/websites  as  fodder for cultural/conceptual commentary. Her website is full of great projects,  that only  afraction of are represented here. Some others that I didn’t have the space to publish […]

Zadok Ben-David

Zadok Ben-David Work from the series Blackfield. I saw Ben-David’s show Wednesday at Galerie Albrecht in Berlin. The field of delicate, minature black trees and flowers was compelling enough, but walking past the work, every plant simultaneously exploded into a field of color (each piece has one black side and one intricately colored side). The […]

Simon Schubert

Simon Schubert Work from Papierarbeiten. I saw Schubert’s show yesterday at Upstairs Berlin, and it was quite a treat. The works are made only of folded paper and are remarkable. He is represented by the Kudlek van der Grinten Galerie. On a side note, searching for his website led me again to the phenomonal West […]

Industry of the Ordinary

Industry of the Ordinary Work from the projects  Industry of the Ordinary is the collaborative performance art/sculpture team of Adam Brooks and Mathew Wilson. Their manifesto is: “Through sculpture, text, photography, video, sound and performance Industry of the Ordinary are dedicated to an exploration and celebration of the customary, the everyday, and the usual. Their […]

Ariel Rubin

Ariel Rubin Work from the series Decomposition and Box of Fools (statements and work in their respective order). Statement for Decomposition: “We have a tendency to think of ourselves as separate from nature. We assumethat anything found in the natural world is unrefined, pure and uncontrolled. We make similar assumptions about photographs as a portrayalof […]

Jolie Dobson

Jolie Dobson Work from the series Untitled Land. “In the series, Untitled Land, I am focusing on the struggle between nature and civilization and the foreseeable defeat of both. Humanity’s exploitation of the natural world questions the ecological sustainability of the future. The constructed photographs represent the catastrophic event of an environmental apocalypse and critically […]

Nikki S. Lee

Nikki S. Lee Work from the series Parts. As promised, more work that deals with the medium of photography and photographic seeing. Statement courtesy of the Numark Gallerey, where you can see more of Lee’s works. “In Parts, the artist departs from the snapshot depictions of cultural identity for which she has become internationally known […]