Archives for the Month of August, 2009

Xavier Damon

Xavier Damon Work from his oeuvre. “think back to the instant after you close your eyelids against the bright summer sun, or a moment when you catch yourself dreaming with your eyes open … our body relaxes and seems to suspend its routine activities.this is the moment when – quite unexpectedly – a subtler light shapes […]

Richard Prince

Richard Prince Work From Untitled (Publicities). “Richard Prince has heard America singing, and it is not in tune. The paradoxically beautiful, seamless 30-year survey of his work at the Guggenheim Museum catches many of our inharmonious country’s discontents and refracts them back to us. The central message of this array of about 160 photographs, drawings, […]

Trevor Paglen

Trevor Paglen Work from The Other Night Sky and Symbology. “‘The Other Night Sky’ is a project to track and photograph classified American satellites in Earth orbit, a total of 189 covert spacecraft. To develop the body of work, I was assisted by observational data produced by an international network of amateur “satellite observers.” To […]

Mitch Robertson

Mitch Robertson Work from Economies of Good and Evil. “When I get a hold of Toronto artist Mitch Robertson at Saint Mary’s University Art Gallery in Halifax, he’s just returned from dropping off his son. The father and son team had been getting the gallery ready for Robertson’s show 5,6,7: Economies of Good & Evil. […]

Laurel Woodcock

Laurel Woodcock Work from Walkthrough 3.0. “‘walkthrough’ is an ongoing series of site-specific, text-based interventions into public architecture that create a convergence of cinema and everyday life. The project takes its title from the pre-production term for rehearsals where performers speak their lines, practice cues and movements, but no shooting occurs. The font and formatting […]

Sarah Oppenheimer

Sarah Oppenheimer Work from various installations. I saw the Horizontal Roll installation in St. Louis about a year ago, it was a great piece that interacted extremely well with the environment. “Sarah Oppenheimer creates social experiments in her videos and architectural installations, exploring how individuals navigate constructed space. Folding is the primary exercise in Oppenheimer’s works […]

Lucia Ganieva

Lucia Ganieva Work from Attendants of Hermitage and Factory. Attendants of Hermitage is a series of portraits of docents from the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg with their favorite work of art. Factory – “A series of photographs made in a textile factory in the town of Ivanovo, some 275 km north-east of Moscow. The […]

Bernd Kleinheisterkamp

Bernd Kleinheisterkamp Work from Stills and Things. “‘Stills and Things’ deals with the appearance of things. ‘Stills’ plays with the variety of possible ensembles that we identify and accept as a authentic, evident situation. Something that seems to make sense in its limits of time and context. ‘Things’ looks for the undeniable magic inherited in […]

Teresa Solar Abboud and Carlos Fernández-Pello

Teresa Solar Abboud and Carlos Fernández-Pello Work from Dibujando un Espacio. “The 3 exercises on space and language were the first attempt of the authors working together. The idea arised from the situation the authors lived, one being in Barcelona and the other one in Madrid and spending quite a lot of their time sharing […]

Uta Barth

Uta Barth I have been wanting to post Barth’s work for quite some time, I was a little shocked to find I hadn’t yet. “Color photography’s recent ability to rival painting in scale and stylistic range seemed particularly well exemplified by Uta Barth’s mid-’90s work from the “Ground” and “Field” series; in some images, she […]