Archives for the Month of October, 2009

Aimee Brodeur

Aimee Brodeur Work from Sculptures and Diary. There was no text to be found about this work, but they function so well as photo sculptures I wanted to share them. I am particularly drawn to the process errors in these works as an aesthetic, but I am not sure if their intent moves beyond that. […]

Sally McKay

Sally McKay Work from Animated GIFs. Excerpt from The Affect of Animated GIFs (Tom Moody, Petra Cortright, Lorna Mills) “Since the early days of internet art, online artists have participated in challenging the museum and gallery hierarchies of off-line art systems.[9] The vast majority of GIFs (as well as YouTube videos, Flash animations, RealAudio sound […]

Eddie Whelan

Eddie Whelan Work from his oeuvre. “There’s something -I don’t know -insouciant about these School of Athens folks. That’s one of the definite links, a kind of throw away, thrown together quality, that teases because I’d be equally unsurprised to learn that every second was laboured over mightily. (Think not though, but of course that’s […]

Kelly Wood

Kelly Wood Work from The Continuous Garbage Project. “From March 1998 to March 2003, Kelly Wood photographed household garbage. From this activity, inscribed within an arbitrary time frame, emerged a large-scale work that presents us with unmistakable evidence of a relentless process and exposes its excesses in documentation extending to 275 pages. The Continuous Garbage […]

Adrien Missika

Adrien Missika Work from Standing Waves and Postcards. Spend time on his website, the vast majority of his works are excellent. “Notions of authenticity and artificial images are at the heart of Missikaʼs work. He subtly explores the relationship between the viewer and the world and depictions thereof. While his works reflect the visual symbolism […]

Nina Beier

 The Extreme and Mean Ratio of (Head of Man)-A shot at a public sculpture A found bronze bust of an unidentified person is installed in the exhibition.Before the opening its head is severed from its neck and thrown inthe sea near by. In the event that the head reappears during a showthe curator can choose […]

Jim Goldberg

Jim Goldberg Work from Rich and Poor. “Rich and Poor confronts the myth of the American dream with the harsh economic reality of the American class system. Yet this documentary is more complex than that, for by including the protagonists’ voices in the form of text on his images Goldberg represents not just the polarity […]

Nikki Graziano

Nikki Graziano Work from Found Functions. “For centuries, the arts and sciences/maths, have been at each others throats in regards to whose field is more relevant. Although I’m a strong supporter and believer in the arts, I’m also greatly fascinated with science and the endless theories it has to offer. I also think that they […]

Sam Taylor-Wood

Sam Taylor Wood Stills from Still Life. “Still Life is one of the most classical works of contemporary art I know. It inscribes itself in art history with hardly any commentary. This is not just a Still Life. It is a vanitas, a particular type of still life developed in the 16th and 17th centuries […]

Eric Baudelaire

Eric Baudelaire Stills from Sugar Water. I also recommend Site Displacement. “… Henri Bergson, who didn’t care much for cinema, wrote in “Creative Evolution” that in order to have an authentic intuition of duration, one had to experience it, and he took the example of sugar in a glass of water. The lesson seemed clear: […]