Archives for posts tagged ‘science’

Jochen Lempert

Jochem Lempert Work from Field Guide @ Cincinnati Art Museum. “Jochen Lempert is doubly open to the world around him. Early in his life, he trained as a biologist, conducted field work in Europe and Africa, and wrote academic papers on various subjects, including dragonflies. A 35-mm camera aided his research. Then, during the early […]

Jordan Tate

Jordan Tate Work from SUPERBLACK @ Transformer Station. SUPERBLACK is the result of a two-year research project in collaboration with scientists at the University of Cincinnati. SUPERBLACK is a physical body designed to absorb nearly all electromagnetic radiation (visible light, infrared light, ultraviolet light, etc.) and offer the experience of a localized, contained, and absolute […]

Michael Sellam

Michael Sellam Work from Science, fiction, culture, capital. “Our civilization develops a logic of contingency, the possibility for each thing to be different. How the notion of matter is open to an economy and a thought shape at a time when everything is programmable ? Experience through art Relations tensions between science , fiction, culture […]

Seth Adelsberger

Seth Adelsberger Surface Treatment @ Springsteen Gallery “Surface Treatment examines the chemical and scientific properties of painting. The Submersion paintings are the result of a refined procedure that is a combination of washes, staining, and the gestural application of gesso. The paintings are created in batches of 3-6. Some paintings in each batch succeed, while others […]

Eric William Carrol

Eric William Carrol Work from his oeuvre. “Amelia Sechman: The collages in your most recent series, G.U.T. (Grand Unification Theory) Feeling, seem like an intuitive visual cataloging system. Where do the connections come from? Eric William Carroll: A combination of theory and experience. Since the project is attempting to communicate something purely via photographs, I […]


NASA Work from Mars Curiosity Rover. “With its rover named Curiosity, Mars Science Laboratory mission is part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. Curiosity was designed to assess whether Mars ever had an environment able to support small life forms called microbes. In other words, its […]

Extreme Environments and Future Landscapes

  Extreme Environments and Future Landscapes “Finally back from the seven day expedition and research in Svalbard, where we received lectures by the municipality on Longyearbyen’s past and present , by LPO architects to understand the challenges of building on frozen (and now slowly melting) tundra, by UNIS, the university centre in Svalbard on the […]

Sascha Pohflepp

Sascha Pohflepp Work from Camera Futura. “In the abundance of energy that is the new order, we will no longer be bound by the force that is keeping us on the bottom of Earth’s gravity well. We may be be floating around freely, our bodies suspended by extremely powerful electromagnetic fields. Or we could be […]

Max Stolkin

Max Stolkin Work from his oeuvre. “I appreciate when a simple maneuver can transform a material, and thereby open up a situation in which that material discloses that it was never solely about its initial conditions. Through research we can come to recognize and execute those interventions. I dont see it as much about re-contextualizing […]

Alyson Shotz

Alyson Shotz Work from her oeuvre. “Alyson Shotz’s sculptures perk up a decades-old post-Minimalist idiom with a dash of pop science. The works in ”Phase Shift,” her fourth solo show at the gallery, are her strongest yet. Ms. Shotz evokes natural phenomena with accumulations of beads, pins and other common materials. She isn’t alone in […]