Archives for posts tagged ‘clean’

Ingo Mittelstaedt

Ingo Mittelstaedt Work from DORT at Kunsthalle Rostock. “The exhibition deals with a double interplay: on the one hand, Mittelstaedt shows his own works from previous years – interrelating these to each other. On the other hand, he curated works from the collection of the Kunsthalle creating a conduit between him and artists like Kate […]

Sebastian Jefford

Sebastian Jefford Work from his oeuvre “Sebastian Jefford makes objects, paintings, images, installations, videos and web-based works – and often things that exist somewhere in between. Familiar yet strange, a chronic artificiality pervades in his work to the point of sickliness. Humble DIY materials and domestic objects are assigned new yet curiously absurd roles. The […]

Alex Fischer

Alex Fischer Work from Dry Pixels and Wet Molecules at O’Born Contemporary. “Alex Fischer’s latest body of work counter-poses the primordial origins of biology against today’s dominant technology-based vernacular. In earnest, the artist acknowledges through his practice elements peculiar to the time of his being. Put in alternative terms, Fischer concedes that the acts of […]

Milton Melvin Croissant III

Milton Melvin Croissant III Work from Presenter Mode “Displays are an inescapable touchstone of contemporary society. They are the inward and outward eye of the User. Within the context of an Institution, the Display is revered as a necessary point of contact between humans- paramount to the transmission of ideas. However the Display has meaning in […]

John Houck

John Houck Work from A History of Graph Paper @ On Stellar Rays. “On Stellar Rays is pleased to announce a new exhibition of photographs by JOHN HOUCK. The exhibition celebrates a number of exciting developments at On Stellar Rays, including the gallery’s FIRST SOLO EXHIBITION with Houck, the gallery’s FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY, and the […]

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin Work from Portable Monuments “Portable Monuments continues the artists’ preoccupation with Brecht’s remarkable 1955 publication War Primer. Using a series of coloured blocks as a lexicon, Broomberg and Chanarin have developed a code that – like Brecht’s poems – has become a methodology for interrogating and deconstructing photographic press images. […]

Christoph Meier

Christoph Meier Work from his oeuvre. “While the situations staged by Christoph Meier are characterized by an abstract, geometrical formal vocabulary, the objects used appear to represent a plot. The emphasis here is on the performative and narrative potential of the media and presentation formats themselves. For Christoph Meier, exhibitions are only a moment, an […]

Andy Boot

Andy Boot Work from his oeuvre. “…The works are part of Andy Boot’s ongoing investigation of different zones or planes integral to the organization of an image: Andy Boot asks, all but rhetorically, not to mention paradoxically, if it is possible to make an image that is not an image. Indeed, what constitutes an image now that […]

Ryoji Ikeda

Ryoji Ikeda Work from test pattern. “This latest audiovisual work from Ryoji Ikeda, presents intense flickering black and white imagery, which floats and convulses in darkness to a stark and powerful, highly synchronised soundtrack. Through a real–time computer programme, test pattern converts Ikeda’s audio signal patterns into tightly synchronized barcode patterns on screen. The velocity […]

Karlos Gil

Karlos Gil Work from his oeuvre. “…Using this as a starting point, Gil explores different language systems through the translation and fragmentation of specific texts. At the same time, this allows him to reflect on language’s different layers of interpretation and meaning, and their non-communicative employment, through various conceptual strategies. Using a broad range of […]