Archives for posts tagged ‘meta-photography’

Jesse Ly

Jesse Ly Work from Image Interference @ BasketShop. “Through the process of both creation and experience of discursive depictions, Image Interference balances both the appearance of indexical truth and anecdotal nature of photographic imagery. Within the foreground lies the viewer transitional experience from presentation to impression. Reckoning with the varying nuances from what once was […]

Stephanie Syjuco

Stephanie Syjuco Work from Dodge and Burn (Visible Storage) at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis. “Stephanie Syjuco explores the complicated ways in which we understand such politically charged concepts as citizen, immigrant, nationhood, and identity. The title installation, Rogue States, is made up of twenty-two reproduced flags originally used in Hollywood films (Die Hard 2, Ace Ventura, and Coming […]

Paul Mpagi Sepuya

Paul Mpagi Sepuya Work from his oeuvre. “Photographs, and photographs of photographs; cameras, and cameras pointing at cameras; models, and models posing as models: A kind of brooding over these—and the conundrum of whether, by distancing and framing portions of reality, photography thereby deconstructs itself—typifies a technical formalism that has become widespread of late. Artists […]

Everything is Collective

Deliberate Operations Issue No. 3 [Full Empty] E.I.C Press is proud to announce the release of Deliberate Operations No. 3 [Full Empty]. In the third installment of the Deliberate Operations series, the E.I.C. continues its mission to explore the contemporary image as both record and road map with over 160 pages of new photographs, digital images, appropriations, and assemblage. Deliberate […]

One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond @ Galerie Christophe Gaillard “For a long while the indexed nature of photography laid at the heart of theoretical discourse on this medium. For Rosalind Krauss as for Roland Barthes, Henri Van Lier, Philippe Dubois and others, the contiguous relationship between the image and its referent was one of the ontological foundations […]

Justin Hodges

Justin Hodges Work from Under Construction. “The still life has an expansive history in artistic practice, generally conjuring images of tabletops filled with flowers and wine glasses. Less obvious, though, is its ubiquitous existence as advertising, spanning the gap from print to screen. Simply, Under Construction is a body of work, which questions the way […]

Fragments of an Unknowable Whole

Fragments of an Unknowable Whole @ Urban Arts Space. The artists in Fragments of an Unknowable Whole see the irresolvable question of photographic meaning as a launching point for their artistic inquiries. They are not concerned with seeking photographic truth. Instead, these diverse practices complicate the idea that a photographic image is a fixed view […]

Amanda Ross-Ho

Amanda Ross-Ho Work from The Character and Shape of Illuminated Things Los Angeles-based artist Amanda Ross-Ho’s first outdoor public art project,THE CHARACTER AND SHAPE OF ILLUMINATED THINGS, explores how photography is similar to the act of seeing. The title of the exhibition is adapted from the 1980 photography handbook How to Control and Use Photographic Lighting, which […]

Rachel de Joode

Rachel de Joode Work from The Molten Inner Core at Neumeister Bar-Am. “Puddles, Meteorites, A Surface of a Dinosaur Bone, Bronze, Grey Goo, Fat, Stone and Human Skin all have an aesthetic calling to de Joode. These things are explored for their material agency, not only their communication with us but with each other and […]

Everything Is Collective

Everything Is Collective Work from Deliberate Operations 1 [2]. “‘DELIBERATE OPERATIONS reflects the EIC’s view of how it conducts considered and sustained operations in space and sets the foundation for developing other fundamentals, tactics, techniques, and procedures. These operations are designed and/or spontaneously realized to reveal or conceal certain features of the environment. This volume […]