Archives for posts tagged ‘fake’

Jacinda Russell

Jacinda Russell Work from Nine Fake Cakes and Nine Bodies of Water. “I photograph worn, dilapidated objects with a history that expresses loss and sadness. These forms are ultimately self-portraits, communicating to the viewer significant memories that I am unwilling to let go. Spring 2010 featured several personal and career related disappointments and for the […]

Asger Carlsen

Asger Carlsen Work from Wrong. “There’s something about a good sci-fi movie that really sticks in your head — especially if you see it during your formative years. I saw Paul Verhoeven’s Total Recall in the theaters, so I must have been about 15 at the time. There were certain visuals in that film, ie. the […]

Anthony Lepore

Anthony Lepore Work from New Wilderness. “Anthony Lepore’s New Wilderness is a series of photographs that lay bare nature as an historical construct governed by human invention and intervention. Although these images often suggest collage or post-production alterations, they are produced with a 4 x 5 camera in visitor centers and on the edges of […]

JD Walsh

JD Walsh Work from Slow Fade / Double Waltz. “Walsh is an artist who navigates smoothly between mediums while leaving a trail of great works. He’s a kind of mad scientist mixing up a fresh pop brew of interactivity, projection, appropriation, music, origami, and installation. Whether he’s playing a search engine or a guitar (clearly, […]

Phillip Schaerer

Phillip Schaerer Work from Bildbauten. Also see Raummodelle, they are fantastic as well. “The series of images with the title „Bildbauten“ deals with the effect and the claim to credibility of images of architecture that appear to be photographs. It further questions the medium “photograph” as a documentary piece of evidence depicting reality. Frontal views […]

DIS Magazine

DIS Magazine Work from DIS Spring Trends and DIS Summer Trends. The art and design behind DIS Magazine is unlike any other fashion publication to date. Its contributors eschew the standard conventions of print publication to create an ever evolving series of related threads, organized around categories such as distaste, dystopia, discover, and dysmorphia. DIS […]

Joan Fontcuberta

Joan Fontcuberta Work from Landscapes Without Memory. There is also a great review here. “Rather than venturing out into nature, Joan Fontcuberta creates plausible, even spectacular landscapes using Terragen, a computer program originally created for military and scientific uses that turns maps into images of three-dimensional terrain. For these three works, Fontcuberta scanned details of […]

Paula Muhr

Paula Muhr Work from Tata. “Through the work “Tata” I investigate various modes of representation and role models which we internalise in such an extent that they inform our subjectivity. I turn my father (Serbian: tata) into a kind of amateur fashion model asking him to pose for me in his favourite clothes. He dresses […]

Jana Gunstheimer

Jana Gunstheimer Work from Status L Phenomenon. “Darkness is a constant refrain in Jana Gunstheimer’s consistently black-and-white drawings and aquarelles. It almost seems as if daylight can never dawn on the derelict spaces and desolate zones, reverted to nature, that are her preferred territory. Her reports tell of a shadow reality characterized by flowing transitions […]

Roula Partheniou

Roula Partheniou Work from Handmade Readymade, Bookstall, and Works, Works I. The Handmade Readymade project is an ongoing series of canvases painted to resemble books. The paintings function as trompe l’oeil in the round, as text works, found poetry, as constructed mini-narratives and as stand-ins for grand universal themes. An exercise in scale, appropriation and […]