Archives for posts tagged ‘french’

Marina Gadonneix

Marina Gadonneix Work from >After the Image< @ Kaune, Posnik, Spohr. Gadonneix‘s works are dialogues within spaces staged along the boundaries of the abstract, creating interesting points of confluence between the history of photography as staging and the history of abstraction. In her series „Removed Landscapes“, only light and abstract forms remind the viewers of […]

Michael Sellam

Michael Sellam Work from Science, fiction, culture, capital. “Our civilization develops a logic of contingency, the possibility for each thing to be different. How the notion of matter is open to an economy and a thought shape at a time when everything is programmable ? Experience through art Relations tensions between science , fiction, culture […]

Maxime Guyon

Maxime Guyon Work from Protien “—Hi Maxime, please tell us how did you get into photography? Maxime: Hi! This question is quite personal but I did get into photography while I read for the first time Skateboard magazines. Photographers like Cedric Viollet, Eric Antoine and also the ill-studio crew who used to hold “Chill Magazine” in […]

Justin Morin

Justin Morin Work from Poison at Galerie Jeanroch Dard. “Justin Morin’s multifaceted work is on view at Galerie Jeanroch Dard in the frame of his solo exhibition, the second at the gallery, titled Poison. The French artist presents his delicate installations seemingly acting at the borders of different worlds. The reference to artistic movements of […]

Auguste Rodin

Auguste Rodin From top to Bottom: Small Seated Female Torso (N.D.), Hand of Dumas (N.D.), Andromeda (before 1917), Hands Clasping (N.D.) “Born to a working-class family in Paris, and despite promising talent, Auguste Rodin (1840–1917) struggled hard to obtain the international fame he would enjoy by the 1890s. After repeatedly failing to gain admission to the prestigious Ecole des Beaux-Arts, he supported […]

Odilon Redon

   Odilon Redon From Top: The Rocky Slope (c. 1875), Trees in the Blue Sky (c. 1883), Apache (Man on Horseback) (c. 1875), Large Bouquet in a Blue Vase (after 1912) “Born Bertrand-Jean Redon, this French painter, printmaker, and draftsman spent his childhood at Peyrelebade, his father’s estate in the Médoc. Peyrelebade became a basic source of inspiration for all […]

Anri Sala

Anri Sala Work from Ravel Ravel Unravel. “Anri Sala’s project for the French Pavilion has been conceived for the space of the German Pavilion where it is exceptionally being exhibited, and is entitled Ravel Ravel Unravel (2013). The title of the piece is a subtle play on words based on the verb to ravel and […]

François Morellet

François Morellet Work from his oeuvre. “…For Morellet, a work of art refers only to itself. His titles are generally sophisticated, show some word play, and describe the “constraints” or “rules” that he used to create them. Like other contemporary artists who use constraints and chance (or the aleatory) in their works (John Cage in music, […]

Claire-Jeanne Jézéquel

Claire-Jeanne Jézéquel Work from her oeuvre. “For the works of Claire-Jeanne Jézéquel, we are in painting and sculpture, sculpture and architecture. “It is never in the landscape that we contemplate, “as they make their sculptures into account the illusion of painting. They are drawings coming out of the wall, a horizon to imaginary spaces, and […]

Davide Belula

Davide Belula Work from his oeuvre. “…Addressing the painterly representation of landscape, he has also begun another series in two dimensions: images of riverbeds, including those of the East River and the Seine, made by throwing a large piece of canvas, filled with pebbles and tied with a rope, into the waterways. After leaving the […]