Archives for posts tagged ‘glitch’

Alex Myers

Alex Myers Work from (0,0,0) “What happens when all of the elements of a place exist in the same physical location? By changing the 3D information of a place from a proprietary format to an open one elements of each place were given their own origin point. Not something you usually want to happen. I exploited this […]

Rosa Menkman

Rosa Menkman Work from Compress Process You can play Compress Process online via Unity here “Compress Process, 2012 is the latest great project by Rosa Menkman. It is an online virtual environment where Menkman has transported a big part of her glitches, errors and distortions as an interactive virtual form. It’s quite exciting to see the work […]

Ian Cheng

Ian Cheng Stills from “This Papaya Tastes Perfect” “IT’S 2011. THE TWIN TOWERS OF REASON AND TASTE STILL SHINE DOWN UPON ALL POSITIONS. BUT SOMETHING ANCIENT LURKS. I remember now. Somewhere in the dark between Wall Street and Chinatown. A crowd of futures traders gathers outside a bar to watch something. Something alive. The exhibition […]

Alexander Peverett

Alexander Peverett Work from his oeuvre. “…a indeterminable affair with generative art and computer graphics, the Wigan (England) based artist Alexander Peverett has an absolutely incredible ability to create great inter-disciplinary pieces. Residing between Japan and the United Kingdom, and working as a freelance art director, computer artist and sound designer, the work of Alexander […]

Sarah Samy

Sarah Samy Work from Exploring Error. “An exploration of technical errors, beyond the notion of image failure. The shifting presence and absence of sound in the video was produced along the process of bending, not imposed. None of the clips were edited; only selected, cropped and collected together, aiming to hide the original source and […]

Sabrina Ratté

Sabrina Ratté Work from her oeuvre. Ratté has an exhibition opening today at I suggest you check it out. “My videos are often the result of experiments with tools and softwares that anyone can have access to. The challenge is to find ways to use these tools in order to create new forms and […]

Leanne Eisen

Leanne Eisen Work from Scans “Much like darkroom experimentation using burning and dodging, or the placement of objects directly onto the photographic paper’s surface to create photograms, each exposure represents a choreographed movement, a moment in time captured on a two-dimensional surface. By using trial and error, I reintroduce the possibility of happy accidents into […]

Robert Overweg

Robert Overweg Work from his oeuvre. “I try not to follow the roads I am supposed to take, but try to seek out my own path within and outside the given boundaries of the game. I find joy in making use of a glitch/error which gives me the possibility to have a different look at […]

Pekka Niittyvirta

Pekka Nittyvirta Work from Corrupted (and one from Trinity). “I’m interested in the idea of visual “noise” or disruption in your images and was wondering if you could talk a little bit about the role that this noise plays when making an image. I think that it is important to shed first some light over […]


Zeitguised From the Concrete Misplots series: “Featured in swiss architectural magazine Hochparterre’s “Raumtraum” section, these visualizations of future architectures search for the accidental in computer driven manufacturing processes. Based on iconic housing shapes, these buildings were intended as prototypes for mass-customization. Yet, as things go with computerized manufacturing, there have been misplots. The cartridge was […]