Archives for posts tagged ‘satellite’

Greg Allen

Greg Allen Work from Exhibition Space. “In August 1960, the fledgling NASA launched Echo I, a mirrored spherical balloon, or “satelloon,” 100 feet across, which was inflated 1,000 miles above the earth. Nominally a reflective communications satellite, Echo I’s primary mission was to be visible to the naked eye by the earth’s entire population. Early […]


Onformative Work from Google Faces “The way we perceive our environment is a complex procedure. By the help of our vision we are able to recognize friends within a huge crowd, approximate the speed of an oncoming car or simply admire a painting. One of human’s most characteristic features is our desire to detect patterns. […]

Sharon Harper

Sharon Harper Work from One Month, Weather Permitting. “Since the earliest days of the medium, photographers have turned their lens towards the heavens at night. Now, beginning March 4, 2010, Rick Wester Fine Art (RWFA) presents a contemporary investigation comprised of a complex and resonant series of photographs of the night sky by the Cambridge, […]

Trevor Paglen

Trevor Paglen Work from The Last Pictures. As of yesterday, Paglen’s project with Creative Time is in Geostationary Orbit. “In 1963 NASA launched the first communications satellite “Syncom 2” into a geosynchronous orbit over the Atlantic Ocean. Since then, humans have slowly and methodically added to this space-based communications infrastructure. Currently, more than 800 spacecraft in […]

Mishka Henner

Mishka Henner Work from Dutch Landscapes. Visit Henner’s site, there are a wealth of really interesting projects also see the article on Granta. “When Google introduced its free satellite imagery service to the world in 2005, views of our planet only previously accessible to astronauts and surveyors were suddenly available to anyone with an internet […]

Thomas Hämén

Thomas Hämén Work from Flatland. “If we were able to take, as the finest allegory of simulation, the Borges tale where the cartographers of the Empire draw up a map so detailed that it ends up exactly covering the territory (but where, with the decline of the Empire this map becomes frayed and finally ruined, […]

Mysterious Structures in China’s Gobi Desert

Mysterious Structures in China’s Gobi Desert “These images show mysterious compositions and structures which seem to be a kind of paintings (not sure if it’s painting), and installations over the Earth, they are exactly in the Gobi Desert, China. They were found the last month at Google Maps. See more; “It turns out that they […]

Marco Cadioli

Marco Cadioli Work from Abstract Journeys. “Abstract Journeys is a screencapture series from Google Earth that explores the different surfaces and forms which have been transformed by man’s work in an abstract geometric composition. This is a project by Italian artist Marco Cadioli. In his site you can find others interesting projects as well as the […] Work from The following are just screen grabs, take the time and visit the site, it is well worth it. “Icons dominate the modern maps completely and with the comic style Google simplifications of symbols our ives have become very ordinary. There are currently some 166 Google standard symbols available in Google Earth […]

Molly Dilworth

Molly Dilworth Work from Paintings for Satellites “I have an inclination to work with materials that have had an obvious life before I use them; it’s a challenge and a pleasure to make something from nothing. In the last year my practice has grown out of the studio in the form of large-scale rooftop paintings […]