Archives for the Month of March, 2011

Rashid Rana

Rashid Rana Work from his oeuvre. “Through his work Rana explores constructs of media and identity, reflecting upon and critiquing the impact of globalisation worldwide whilst simultaneously exploring the local and competing influences of tradition and modernity in contemporary South Asia and Pakistan. Lisson Gallery’s Curatorial Director Greg Hilty says, “Rashid Rana’s work demonstrates a […]

Matthew Ryan Barton

Matthew Ryan Barton Work from The Affects of the Effects of Gravity. Barton has work in a show opening at CS13 on April 15th, it will be well worth your time. “…At the gallery entrance the wind rustles through a projected forest fronted by artificial turf upon which rest real log segments that serve as […]

Jonathan Zawada

Jonathan Zawada Work from Over Time. “…The landscape topographies were derived from graph data (displayed as printed mirrors on accompanying plinths), modeled in 3D and then oil paintings created from those 3D renders. See more; Zawada collected and compared a variety of data series that extrapolate information over time, such as “Marijuana usage among year […]

Kim Si Nae

Kim Si Nae Work from Browser Abstract “Citizens of the world are spending their lives staring into the reflective surfaces of their mobile phones and desktop computers. I think that social context determines the value of the media, tendency itself of dispaying medium have to be thought as social message. For me, the digital canvas […]

Christian Marclay

Christian Marclay Work from The Clock “‘The Clock’ is constructed out of moments in cinema when time is expressed or when a character interacts with a clock, watch or just a particular time of day. Marclay has excerpted thousands of these fragments and edited them so that they flow in real time. While ‘The Clock’ […]

Hunter Jonakin

Hunter Jonakin Work from Jeff Koons Must Die!!!. “Jeff Koons Must Die!!! is made up of a fabricated 80’s style stand-up arcade cabinet, and a simulated digital environment presented in a first-person perspective. Viewers must pay twenty-five cents to play the game and the virtual environment is traversed with a joystick and two arcade buttons. The […]

Alicja Kwade

Alicja Kwade Work from her oeuvre. “Alicja Kwade (*1979, Poland) has in her sculptures—as well as in her installations, photographs and films—long been engaged with different aspects of our value systems and with the issue of abstract concepts such as space and time. The artist lives in Berlin and belongs to a generation of sculptors […]

Stephan Tillmans

Stephan Tillmans Work from “Luminant Point Arrays (leuchtpunktordnungen)“. “The Luminant Point Arrays show tube televisions in the moment they are swithed off. The television picture breaks down and creates a structure of light. The pictures refuse external reference and broach the issue of the difference between abstraction and concretion in photography. The breakdown of the television […]

Regine Petersen

Regine Petersen Work from Find a Falling Star. “I use the process of taking photographs as a vehicle for thinking. When I set out to take pictures I usually have no fixed or pre-determined end-point. My method of working gives me the space to be constantly reflective and this in turn permits my work to develop […]

Yngve Holen

Yngve Holen Work from Parasagittal Brain “Each chop a slice, a split, a cut, a crack, a selected point – a defining crop. Each chop is definite but is advanced by persistent hesitation and postponement, which has lead to a series of works that circle around a sense of ‘hit and miss’ – hit and […]