Archives for the Month of September, 2009

Jon Rafman

Jon Rafman Work from Google Street Views.  “Two years ago, Google sent out an army of hybrid electric automobiles, each one bearing nine cameras on a single pole. Armed with a GPS and three laser range scanners, this fleet of cars began an endless quest to photograph every highway and byway in the free world. […]

Lee Walton

Lee Walton Work from Wappenings and Momentary Performances and Things That Last Longer. Schedule of upcoming performances: Outside of Barbette Restaurant , 1600 W Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55408. Wednesday, September 30 at 10:00am; Person with wiffle ball bat walks curb before finding a penny. Across from the Black Dog Café at the corner or […]

Caleb Cole

Caleb Cole Work from Other Peoples Clothes. “At the heart of my work is a fascination with ambiguities and inconsistencies, an interest in how I go about negotiating areas of grey and how others manage to do the same. When I am in public, I watch people going about their daily routines alone; I wonder […]

Hiroshi Sugimoto

Hiroshi Sugimoto Work from Lightning Fields (also check out all of his work if you haven’t seen it before). “The word electricity is thought to derive from the ancient Greek elektron, meaning “amber.” When subject to friction, materials such as amber and fur produce an effect that we now know as static electricity. Related phenomena […]

Jenny Holzer

Jenny Holzer Work from her oeuvre. “For nearly three decades Jenny Holzer has used combinations of language and material to expose the plight of the individual in an unforgiving, often irrational world. She is best known for her installations of L.E.D. panels that dispense her dark cryptic writings in scrolling ribbons of light. Now, in […]

Kent Rogowski

Kent Rogowski Work from Love=Love. “Rogowski’s collages are created with pieces of puzzles which are cut from the same die but depict different, unrelated images. Using these photographic fragments as his palette, Rogowski creates entirely new compositions by his careful mapping of their collisions. The intermixing of these glossy idealizations of flowers, bucolic scenery, and […]

Mary K Goodwin

Mary K Goodwin Work from Auto Obscura. “Auto Obscura describes the mixing of the exterior and interior that occurs behind the wheel of a car. It’s a phenomenon that is solitary, isolated, and artificial, and yet also oddly real and beautiful. In Auto Obscura, I turn my 1995 Ford Contour into a camera obscura and […]

Geert Goiris

Geert Goiris Work from Slow Fast. The iconography of Geert Goiris includes rather cheerless interiors, deserted playgrounds, stationary locomotives, staged explosions in park-like surroundings, and mysterious constructions that have, at some time, embodied a modernist architectural Utopia. His major fascination and his most concentrated attention, however, are focused on desolate landscapes, which often seem to […]

Abe Linkoln, et al.

Abe Linkoln Work from Screenfull, Universal Acid and Disco-nnect. “A trippy pixelated skull and a playlist of warped samples greet visitors to, the collaborative blog by artists Abe Linkoln (USA) and jimpunk (France). If you like noise bands, dial-up (their browser-slowing tricks tend to frustrate navigation), or the endurance tropes of experimental work, you’ll […]

Larson + Shindelman

Larson + Shindelman Work from Witness. “Marni Shindelman and Nate Larson took this one step further with one of the best presentations of the conference, “Witness: A Psychic Collaboration.” Citing an investigation of extra-sensory perception that was sponsored by the United States government in the 1980s, they examined the “Stargate Project” and create images and […]