Archives for posts tagged ‘saic’

Hyounsang Yoo

Hyounsang Yoo Work from Salmon / Yolk. “I look to mass media as a starting point because it provides an outline of the socio-political landscape. I take the source, which is often a specific political and historical event. I then strip it from its context, leaving only the relationships between people, in individuality and as […]

Scott A. Carter

Scott A. Carter Work from Departing From The Rules of Harmony “An architectural installation consisting of a full scale bust of the Neoclassical sculptor Antonio Canova re-created from the walls of the gallery. The original, plaster, bust was purchased in 1975 from an Italian Collector and is currently in storage at the Art Institute of Chicago. […]

Daniel Everett

Daniel Everett. Work from his oeuvre. ““Daniel Everett embodies the current technological zeitgeist shared by post dot-com kids, the kids of the dot-com kids, and the relationship we have to our interconnectivity (the internet). His work is jaded, earnest, and self mocking at the same time.” – Beautiful/Decay

Arend deGruyter-Helfer

Arend deGruyter-Helfer Work from his oeuvre. Also check out his screensaver 3 and Untitled Window. “the two best compliments i’ve received recently, paraphrased: 1. ‘your work is really like a screensaver.’ 2. ‘it’s really nice watching you use the internet. you’re so efficient.’” – Arend deGruyter-Helfer

Sara Ludy

Sara Ludy Work from her oeuvre. “A growing trend within certain net art circles is investigating the processes involved in translating landscapes and nature onto and within digital frameworks. Sara Ludy should be considered as one of the more creative practitioners of this type of adaptation amongst this camp of makers. Her diverse work speaks […]


Lenox-Lenox Work from TMRRW(dot)net (and their oeuvre). “TMRRW(dot)net combines predictable and unpredictable change in order to form a cubic time capsule of tomorrow’s relics. Predictions arise by mapping the course of natural disasters and desiccated resources, and non-predictions are postulated from science fiction and myth. The resulting guided tour of The Last Gallery presents attributes […]

Alex M Lee

Alex M Lee Work from Machinic Vision. “This work focuses on the potential for new forms utilizing computer aided design that would present a paradigm shift in representation and photographic imagery. While traditional photography has always been connected to the capturing/indexing of light, this work explores the abilities of digital imaging to shatter that physical […]

Carson Fisk-Vittori

Carson Fisk-Vittori Work from her oeuvre. “Fisk-Vittori creates work about everyday objects and environments. Arrangements of objects are presented as photographs and installations that question the function, meaning, and history surrounding that object and display. The arrangements feature both deliberate and casual formation that satirize advertisements and lifestyle magazines. Her interest lies in the relationship […]

Scott Jarrett

Scott Jarrett Work from his oeuvre. “The instability of vanity is perhaps one of visual art’s greatest selling point. And, in an understated way, when derelict man-made objects and places are pushed to the boundaries of their own self contained and easily understood offensiveness, they often transform into something beautiful. Scott Jarrett’s recent work aggregates the […]

Cayetano Ferrer

Cayetano Ferrer Work from Western Import. “Cayetano Ferrer uses existing forms in order to engage in a dialog about the constant flux of the built, contemporary environment. Using inkjet prints on existing objects/architecture that reveal what these objects ultimately obscure, Ferrer exposes the relationship between the built and the rebuilt, surface and hidden, as well […]