Archives for posts tagged ‘belgian’

Katleen Vinck

Katleen Vinck Work from her oeuvre. In her work, Katleen Vinck often makes use of scale models in which she relates the characteristics of sculpture, architecture and theatre scenography to one another. Her education in architecture, art and scenography makes such an overarching approach obvious yet challenging at the same time. Vinck focuses on phenomena […]

Federico Acal and Tom Volkaert

Federico Acal and Tom Volkaert Work from I sang, and thought I sang very well; but he just looked up into my face with a very quizzical expression at Hole Of The Fox. “We communicate, we navigate. We walk on the streets and see quizzical expressions. We smile back. We are just figures in the […]

Nathan Gilson

Nathan Gilson Work from Epiphany 3000. “Smart person : Nathan, you called me to give you an interview about your new project, which I find very immature and arrogant. Anyway, I’m here, let’s do this quick. Me : Hi ! Smart person : Please try to speak intelligibly, I really don’t understand your french accent. Me […]

Samir Mougas

Samir Mougas Work from his oeuvre. “In a logical result of both a distant legacy of the readymade, assimilation practices of sampling, sample, quotation or appropriation of the art of recent decades, or ways of thinking and classification is needed in the era of the web, many artists working today it is possible to name […]

Wesley Meuris

Wesley Meuris Work from his oeuvre. “Beginning with an interest in the interaction between architecture and human conditioned-behaviour, I became intrigued by the conditions that coalesced around the making of cages for animals. The implicit requisite is, of course, that the cages be ‘liveable’ with respect to a particular animal, so that it may survive […]

Frederik Van Simaey

Frederick Van Simaey Work from Tegenboschvanvrreden. “For those who are not so familiar with my work, it is about relationships between light, shadow and gestures of turning things in & out, upsidedown front to back. It’s about me and the other, about both visible and invisible forces… It speaks for itself” – Frederik Van Simaey

Dirk Braeckman

Dirk Braeckman Work from his oeuvre. “When we see photographs by the Belgian artist Dirk Braeckman installed in museums, we seem to be looking at photographs that aspire to the condition of painting. They are large — he likes them to be life-size. They are unglazed— he wants no interruption to the eye. They demand […]

Xavier Delory

Xavier Delory Work from Formes urbaines. “Urban Forms: the aim of this project (in progress) is to study the recurrent characteristic of modern cities, with Brussels as first field of research. This work will comprise several chapters: ‘Bare d’ilot’ (a reflection on the urban block, the framework of the historic city, it break-up and its […]

Xavier Delory

Xavier Delory Work from Habitat. “Our countryside (in Belgium as well as in many other western countries) is monopolized by one specific type of house called ‘clé sur porte’ (turnkey) (def:Urban prefab cluster of similar forms implanted in the landscape without any effort of integration). The cycle ‘Habitat’ throws a look at this type of […]

Sarah Gerats

Sarah Gerats Work from her oeuvre. There is shockingly little written about Sarah Gerats, though her work seems to pop up in quite a few places. Aesthetically, she fits easily in her native land (The Netherlands) and the great majority of her works follow the aesthetic and conceptual concerns of contemporary Dutch meta-photographic works. The […]