Awoiska van der Molen Work from her oeuvre. “If Nature were to take a photo of itself, what would it look like? Nature would set its own exposure time, with plenty of lux during the day in the sunshine, and clear and dark at night with a full moon. Exposure would need to be lengthy, […]
Archives for posts tagged ‘dutch’
Ger van Elk
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Ger van Elk Work from his oeuvre. (1941-2014) “”No one is more adept at calling attention to the way art calls attention to itself,” Susan Tallman wrote of van Elk in A.i.A. in 2009. The advent of Fluxus and Happenings made Amsterdam a breeding ground of avant-garde activity during this time. Van Elk was […]
Guido van der Werve
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Guido van der Werve Work from his oeuvre. “Dutch artist Guido van der Werve makes the kind of films Caspar David Friedrich might have dreamt up if he had had a sense of humour and access to a camera. Saturated in an atmosphere of melancholy, loss and loneliness, preoccupied with dead composers and centuries-old dance […]
Surface Poetry
Saturday, 1 February 2014
Surface Poetry at Boetzelaer|Nispen. “Today, the digital screen has become the predominant surface for engaging with visual content. The texture of the digital screen, characterized by its flat surface, artificial smoothness, juxtaposition of different windows, and chromatic backlit glow, constitutes the aesthetic framework in which we perceive and act upon a large part of the […]
Anouk Kruithof
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Anouk Kruithof Work from her oeuvre “Anouk Kruithof considers photography as a starting point of infinite possibilities. Her method is interdisciplinary and mostly idea based. She inventively explores ideas of the picture plane, the image, and the materiality and physicality of the medium of photography. Her work is at once seductive while simultaneously critically deconstructing […]
Wim Borst
Monday, 30 September 2013
Wim Borst Work from his oeuvre. “Wim Borst became a professional ceramist at a rather advanced age. At the age of 31 he exhibited for the first time. As a self taught artist he took lessons in ceramics from Ru de Boer and Emmy van Deventer a.o. His oeuvre and career are characterized by a […]
Adriaen Coorte
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Adriaen Coorte From top to bottom: Three Peaches on a Stone Ledge (ca. 1705), Gooseberries on a Table (1701), Still Life with Asparagus (1697), Four Apricots on a Stone Ledge (ca 1698) “The very modesty of Coorte’s pictures has led them to be overlooked. His reputation has not been helped by the fact that no information has turned up about his career; […]
Theo van Doesburg
Monday, 5 August 2013
Theo van Doesburg From top to bottom: Still Life (1913), Design for the Central Hall of a University (1923), Maison Particuliere: Axonometric Drawing (1923), and Contra-Construction Project Axonometric (1923) “Born Christian Emil Küpper in 1883 into an artistic family in Utrecht, he only became “Theo Doesburg” when he started painting – his adopted name being borrowed from his stepfather. The “van” […]
Pim Leenan
Monday, 26 November 2012
Pim Leenen Work from his/her oeuvre. “Compared with the existence of space or matter, the existence of time is always something fragile, something paradoxical, as though it is not quite real. My work is often a study of photographic reality and plays with the concept of time. I am fascinated by the wreck or even […]
Csilla Klenyanszki
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Csilla Klenyanszki Work from X Marks the Spot. “X MARKS THE SPOT” is an epilogue or even more, a new chapter that follows my graduation project “My logic is gone or did I just find it? …because nothing is more abstract than our own reality.” It is all about looking for the hidden possibilities related […]