Archives for posts tagged ‘memory’

Jasmine Clarke

Jasmine Clarke Work from Shadow of the Palm. ” When I look in the mirror, I want to believe that what I am seeing is an extension of myself even though I know that it isn’t. I’m seeing a reflection (an illusion) of me and my world. I can never quite trust a mirror. A […]

In Regards to Nostalgia

In Regards to Nostalgia at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. Works by Mark Albain, Jesse Ly, and Aubrey Theobald. Curated by Sso-Rha Kang, text via Under Main Magazine by C.M. Turner. In October, the Art Academy of Cincinnati’s Pearlman Gallery opened In Regards to Nostalgia, an interdisciplinary group show exploring the poetics and complexities of […]

Nikhil Chopra

Nikhil Chopra Works from him oeuvre. “Nikhil Chopra works at the boundaries between theatre, performance, live art, painting, photography and sculpture. He devises fictional characters that draw on India’s colonial history as well as his own personal history. He inhabits these characters in largely improvised performances that last up to 3 days. Chopra’s character, Sir […]

Leslie Hewitt

Leslie Hewitt Work from her oeuvre. “Working with photography, sculpture, and site-specific installations, Leslie Hewitt addresses fluid notions of time. Her work oscillates between the illusionary potential of photography and the physical weight of sculpture. In her photographed arrangements, she isolates personal ephemera and the residue of mass culture to consider the fragile nature of […]

Trevor Paglen

Trevor Paglen Work from The Last Pictures. As of yesterday, Paglen’s project with Creative Time is in Geostationary Orbit. “In 1963 NASA launched the first communications satellite “Syncom 2” into a geosynchronous orbit over the Atlantic Ocean. Since then, humans have slowly and methodically added to this space-based communications infrastructure. Currently, more than 800 spacecraft in […]

Zach Nader

Zach Nader Work from Counterweight. “I investigate presentation and representation of self, others and viewpoint. My questions include: Where and how is experience constructed? What are the possibilities of history, truth and fiction in photographic images? Can the point in which meaning adheres to representations be shifted? And what is their role in constructing personal […]

Aaron Gustafson

Aaron Gustafson Work from Bonus Baby “I cut out my likeness from each photo as a way of reimagining the moments and to reconcile unremembered or painful past moments with my present self…The photographs are open-ended, ambiguous, and dishonest.” – Aaron Gustafson

Sara Angelucci

Sara Angelucci Work from Regular 8. “For the past ten years, my practice has encompassed photography and video, examining vernacular archival materials, including snapshots and home movies. Investigating the relationship between the still and moving image, my work has considered the limits of indexical media to translate lived experience, underlining the fragmented, ephemeral nature of […]

Jason Salavon

Jason Salavon Work from 100 Special Moments. “Jason Salavon selects as source material groups of images from popular culture—real-estate listing photographs, Playboy centerfolds, high-school yearbook portraits—and blends them into generalized images characteristic of types existing in everyday life. … Salavon chose to blend pictures of not-so-average women in his series Every Playboy Centerfold. By fusing […]

Jamie Lund

Jamie Lund Works from the series Memory and My Loss in Your Gain. I have no idea how I came across this work, but I feel that it addresses the snapshot aesthetic that is so painfully prevalent in a conceptually divergent way. Both sets of work shown here involve family snapshots / memories gilded or […]