Michael Lease Work from You’re Invited. “I began collecting images for You’re Invited shortly after having found a Kodachrome slide showing the back of a man as he blew out birthday candles. I was thrilled by the funny confluence of elements-the yellow curtains, the man’s blue shirt, the boxy, old refrigerator, and a woman’s hand […]
Archives for the Month of September, 2010
Michelle Ceja
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Michelle Ceja Work from her oeuvre. Ceja and I have work in the upcoming shoe A Diamond is Forever at extra extra along with Alexander Skarlinski, Daniel G. Baird, and Dave Murray. The show opens October 1st @ 7:00. “Extending the idealism granted to youth to the whole of humanity, this work acknowledges that our ability to conjure such […]
Gary Beydler
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Gary Beydler Work from Hand Held Day. “”Beydler’s magical Hand Held Day is his most unabashedly beautiful film, but it’s no less complex than his other works. The filming approach is simple, yet incredibly rich with possibilities, as Beydler collapses the time and space of a full day in the Arizona desert via time-lapse photography […]
Heidi Norton
Monday, 27 September 2010
Heidi Norton Work from New-Age Still Lives. “This indeterminate physicality with different physical planes–it is beautiful and confusing, everything starting and reversing.”– Robert Irwin “New Age Still Life: Paint, Plants, Trash, and Formalism are studio constructs utilizing plexi and wood shelves, plants and other objects that are representational of my youth. They are things borrowed […]
Tetsuo Kondo
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Tetsuo Kondo Work from Cloudscapes. “Clouds are important elements of our atmosphere, framing outdoor space and filtering sunlight. They are the visible part of the terrestrial water cycle, carrying water— the source of life—from the oceans to the land. Clouds find balance within stable equilibria and naturally sustain themselves, embodying and releasing solar energy. The […]
Benjamin Phelan
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Benjamin Phelan Work from his oeuvre. “I am easily blinded by the optimism embedded in a new process, as it first appears to be the universal solution. The euphoria quickly dissipates though, as it becomes clear that each new process also a regulating device. I believe that the techniques that promise utopian solutions, through totally […]
Travess Smalley
Friday, 24 September 2010
Travess Smalley Work from his oeuvre. “…In terms of how evolving software or technology affects my work, I’m constantly trying to learn programs (currently Blender, Google Sketchup, Brushes, Maya, PHP) but at the same time, learning new programs comes from a strong desire to extend and diversify my daily computer practice. I spend time in […]
Jon Rafman
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Jon Rafman Work from Kool-Aid Man in Second Life. Now giving guided tours! “…People make crush art about you all the time, don’t they?” That’s the first question I asked Jon Rafman one month ago after he discovered I was embarking upon an ongoing multi-media performance inspired by his work. Our conversation provided my first […]
Spirit Surfers
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Spirit Surfers Work from http://www.spiritsurfers.net. The oracle told me that a surfer would snag the sister domain once it was cut loose, and that this surfer would be a chosen one. – Spirit Surfers “My day of featuring fellow artists who go that extra mile by incorporating a third part to their name is coming […]
Barry Stone
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Barry Stone Work from I Met a Unicorn. “To say that unicorns have an existence in heraldry, or in literature, or in imagination, is a most pitiful and paltry evasion. What exists in heraldry is not an animal, made of flesh and blood, moving and breathing of its own initiative. What exists is a picture, […]