Archives for posts tagged ‘self-reflexive’

Ger van Elk

   Ger van Elk Work from his oeuvre. (1941-2014) “”No one is more adept at calling attention to the way art calls attention to itself,” Susan Tallman wrote of van Elk in A.i.A. in 2009. The advent of Fluxus and Happenings made Amsterdam a breeding ground of avant-garde activity during this time. Van Elk was […]

Marco Rosichelli

Marco Rosichelli Work from Sculpture The Ride and Handle with Care. “As an artist, I see myself relating to that idea of Peter Pan, a mischievous boy who can fly and refuses to grow up. In a post industrial society, the boundaries between youth and adult have blurred, and youthfulness has become an acceptable and […]

Anne de Vries

Anne de Vries Work from his oeuvre. “some thoughts about my work and interests photography is not the same medium anymore as what it used to be. after you once pressed the button of your digital camera, you will need a computer instead of a dark room. since the 90s digital photography became the mainstream […]

Adam Cruces

Adam Cruces Work from his YouTube Channel. Cruces’ oeuvre contains some hilariously self-reflexive videos that are a great snapshot of current trends in contemporary video/net art. His works are referential to many of his contemporaries, the most notable of which is Constant Dullaart. His video of Mary Lou Retton recalls Dullaart’s Stabilized Earthquake or the […]

Sarah Palmer

Sarah Palmer Work from As A Real House. “The Wild Project is pleased to present As A Real House, the first solo exhibition of photographs by Sarah Palmer. The exhibition culls images from Palmer’s series of the same title, which evolved from previous work that sought memory, lost time, and hints of the absent-present in […]

Adam Tindale and Jordan Tate

Adam Tindale and Jordan Tate. Work from Lossless Processing. “Lossless Processing challenges the representational nature of photography and examines programming as a visual medium by re-ordering the digital photograph using Processing and a custom QuickSort algorithm. Sorting algorithms are one of the most basic functions in computer science, and analogous to our cognitive thought processes. […]

Catherine Leutenegger

Catherine Leutenegger Work from Hors-Champ. ““Hors-Champ” (”Off-camera”) is an invitation to discover a place that often remains unknown: where photographs are made—workshops and studios, darkrooms, development and print labs. The work behind the illusion so meticulously crafted by photographers in their studios is indeed rarely revealed. The realization of this project arises from a personal […]

Matthew Brandt

Matthew Brandt Work from Lakes and Reservoirs 2. This work is beautifully self-referential. Each image is soaked in the waters of where it was taken. It reminds me of the bleach treated works of Curtis Mann. I think the particular use of nature connecting these images is no mistake, as Brandt’s work shows, the familiar […]

Sarah Fuller

  Sarah Fuller Work from Dream Lab and Dream Work. “Dream Lab is a collaborative venture between myself and the Dream and Nightmare Lab at The Sacred Heart Hospital in Montreal, Canada. Through the research the lab and I have produced new knowledge about the hypnagogic stage of the sleep cycle. As a result of […]

Anoush Abrar

Anoush Abrar Work from Californication. “The film studios, the celebrities, the entertainment capital of the UnitedStates- the state of California revolves around the film industry and its success. Projecting an image of fame and fortune, beauty and happiness, Hollywood draws people like a magnet. I started this photo project in Los Angeles because I wanted […]