Archives for posts tagged ‘german’

THE FACULTY OF SENSING – Thinking With, Through, and by Anton Wilhelm Amo

THE FACULTY OF SENSING – Thinking With, Through, and by Anton Wilhelm Amo at Kunstverein Braunschweig. “With THE FACULTY OF SENSING – Thinking With, Through, and by Anton Wilhelm Amo, Kunstverein Braunschweig has worked in close cooperation with Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung to develop a project in honor of Anton Wilhelm Amo, an outstanding philosopher […]

Vera Kox and Dag Erik Elgin

from s Vera Kox and Dag Erik Elgin Work from Temporary forms and permanent doubts @ Gallerie Opdahl.

Pierre Huyghe

Pierre Huyghe Work from his recent exhibition at Museum Ludwig. “In The Host and the Cloud, a live ex­per­i­ment was car­ried out over the course of one year in an aban­doned ethno­graph­ic Mu­se­um in Paris. A group of peo­ple were ex­posed to live si­t­u­a­tions that ap­peared ac­ci­den­tal­ly in the en­tire build­ing. The Host and the Cloud […]

Hito Steyerl

Hito Steyerl Work from “How Not To Be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational Installation” at Andrew Kreps, New York. “The Andrew Kreps Gallery is pleased to present How Not To Be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational Installation, an exhibition by Berlin-based artist Hito Steyerl.  The exhibition features two videos as well as sculptural-photographic objects, and is […]

Federico Acal and Tom Volkaert

Federico Acal and Tom Volkaert Work from I sang, and thought I sang very well; but he just looked up into my face with a very quizzical expression at Hole Of The Fox. “We communicate, we navigate. We walk on the streets and see quizzical expressions. We smile back. We are just figures in the […]

Ingo Mittelstaedt

Ingo Mittelstaedt Work from DORT at Kunsthalle Rostock. “The exhibition deals with a double interplay: on the one hand, Mittelstaedt shows his own works from previous years – interrelating these to each other. On the other hand, he curated works from the collection of the Kunsthalle creating a conduit between him and artists like Kate […]

Tilman Hornig

Tilman Horning Work from his oeuvre. “The central component of the work Before and After: An image about potential Before and After: about the ideas motivation Before and After: I am familiar with mandarins Before and After: December, November, October Before and After: the central component of the work Before and After: I am familiar […]

Halina Kliem

Halina Kliem Work from her oeuvre. “We find here a characteristic logic, the peculiar logic of the “inside out” (‡ l’envers), of the “turnabout,”, of a continual shifting from top to bottom, from front to rear, of numerous parodies and travesties, humili- actions, profanations, comic crownings and uncrownings. Mikhail Bakhtin I have spent all my […]

Harun Farocki

Harun Farocki Stills from “Images of War (at a Distance)” “Harun Farocki: Images of War (at a Distance) marks the first comprehensive solo exhibition of Berlin-based artist Harun Farocki (b. 1944, German-annexed Czechoslovakia) in a U.S. museum, and features the U.S. premiere of Serious Games I–IV (2009–10), a four–part video installation at the center of the exhibition. The […]

Ramon Todo

Ramon Todo Work from his oeuvre. “Using stones and bricks with history and culture of the land, he creats the sculpture of the stones put in polished glasses.” – Art Front Gallery