Archives for the Month of June, 2010

David McCallum

David McCallum Work from Neighbourhoodie. McCallum also has some rather interesting pieces that deal with the intersections between culture, technology and sound.  “The Neighbourhoodie is a hooded sweatshirt that augments the experience of game playing through an electronic infrastructure mounted in the garment. Neighbourhoodie explores the hoodie as a platform; what if the garment familiar […]

Genadii Berёzkin

Genadii Berёzkin Work from his/her ouevre. Apart from the stunning combination of visual complexity, accessibility, and kitsch, I have a very difficult time articulating anything about this work. I am not alone in this, as I can find nothing written anywhere about Berëzkin that is of greater length than this post has already achieved. What […]

Visual Studies Workshops Registration Deadline

The registration deadline for my course at the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY is approaching this week (Friday). Check out the course catalog here. All courses are run for Graduate or Undergraduate credit. __________________________ Art and the Six–Million Dollar Man  July 26-July 30 This workshop will focus on processes and applications of technological reproduction […]

Michael Demers

Michael Demers Work from Date Paintings (You Tube). “The conceptual artist On Kawara has produced an ongoing series of “date paintings” (the Today series), which consist entirely of the date on which the painting was executed in simple lettering set against a solid background. If the painting could not be completed on the day it […]

Anna Krachey

Anna Krachey Work from Land/Landscape “Maybe it’s important to make a distinction between what gets called materialism and what real materialism might be. By materialistic we usually mean one who engages in craving, hoarding, collecting, accumulating with an eye to stockpiling wealth or status. There might be another kind of materialism that is simply a […]

Ariel Schlesinger

Ariel Schlesinger Work from his oeuvre. “For L’Angoisse de la page blanche (The Anguish of the White Page, 2007), two sheets of standard-size copy paper are pressed up against each other as they spin in circles on a low table. A homemade arcade game, Untitled (Football Players) (1999) is poetic play with fear and dread, […]

Andrew B. Myers

Andrew B. Myers Work from his oeuvre. “Tell me about your influences and where you go for inspiration. I’m very interested in contemporary art and design, almost exclusively, so most of my inspiration comes from what I see going on in recent years. Painting to me is an exciting world, especially the work I see […]

Vanessa Billy

Vanessa Billy Work from her oeuvre. Also, there is a review of a recent show at This is Tomorrow. “To misquote Ecclesiastes, ‘The sun also rises, the sun goes down […] All art is meaningless and a striving after wind.’ Vanessa Billy’s Suns Neither Rise Nor Set (2008) comprises two convex glass discs that looked […]

Christy Matson

Christy Matson Work from Soundw(e)ave. “A number of artists have started using textiles and needlework to explore the relationship between computer culture and craft. Here on Rhizome, we’ve recently covered Ben Fino-Radin, Sabrina Gschwandtner, Cat Mazza, and Cody Trepte, among others employing “traditional media” in the service of a technological critique. Not to be left out […]

Katie Shapiro

Katie Shapiro Work from Malibu Sandbags. ““Public Access: extending 25 feet inland from daily high water line.” -California Coastal Commission In Malibu Sandbags I am exploring the cohabitation of nature and man. The sea level is rising and shortening our beaches. Beachfront houses are no exception. In their attempt to battle the inevitable, the wealthy […]