Michiel Van Der Zanden

Michiel Van Der Zanden

Work from his oeuvre.

“Using photographs, Van der Zanden, reconstructs space with the help of the 3D computer program Blender. In the digital setting he pulls the space apart. This results in the artificial nature of a virtual space and highlighs the tension within the bigger picture. At the Heden booth at Art Amsterdam, some elements from the painting, such as the floor and the fireplace, are made ​​physical again. The original space comes back to life! Within this Michiel van der Zanden presents his paintings as were it a museum of his work. With this the circle is completed.” See more;

“Michiel van der Zanden imports the world of digital media in painting, and vice versa, using computer games and 3D computer graphics. The artist has long been fascinated by games and their distinctive visual language. A game is essentially a 3D (photo-) collage. Van der Zanden adapts his way of painting on the chosen subjects. Sometimes very precisely to exaggerate ‘kitsch’ and sometimes almost in an expressionistic way.” – HEDEN

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