Ebbe Stub Wittrup
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Work from his After Space Odyssey.
“All the works in the series are locations from the science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey from 1968 by the director Stanley Kubrick. One scene in the film was meant to show the planet Jupiter, and the island of Harris in the Outer Hebrides most resembled the director’s idea of Jupiter. This Scottish area consists primarily of large boulders worn down by huge melted glaciers. The rocks in the area are of the anorthosite type and closely resemble the rock type that exists on the Moon.
During the shooting back in 1968 the landscape was filmed from a helicopter, which projected a red light down over the landscape. The greenish shades of the landscape were thus cancelled out by the red light, so that the film appeared in greyish shades. The landscape looked more unearthly and barren, like an imitation of Jupiter.
In Stub Wittrup’s works, as in his earlier works, the artist explores the relationship between the mythi¬cal, the fictive and the real. The photography from this series exists in a kind of intermediate state, as the actual photograph arises between two colours – the cyan green and the complementary red colour…” – Martin Asbæk Gallery