Ryan Perez


Ryan Perez

Work from Three Sisters.

“In the series Three Sisters, Perez has titled each work after a ship on Columbus’ maiden voyage to the Americas. The studio constructions in these three photos are comprised of floral-patterned fabrics, reflective foils, plastics — reworkings of inexpensive, mass-produced goods that likely made their own voyage to the Americas, but across the Pacific. Photographed in black-and-white, these works provide a sublime contrast to their more ostentatious B.O.G.O. Vision companions. Moreover, Perez’s intent here feels darker, more bitingly sardonic and less ludic. Naming these works after the ships whose voyage was the harbinger of global trade (and exploitation) to come, may thus strike the viewer as a — perhaps morbid but no doubt relevant — joke, which also signals the fact that this New World in question is now clearly making way for the next one.” – Yautepec Gallery

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