Debora Delmar


Debora Delmar

Work from Upward Mobility.

“Working with sculpture, video and installation, Debora Delmar Corp. explores the way in which globalised consumer culture influences our lives and routines. Debora Delmar Corp. creates intricate assemblages that appropriate and reconfigure familiar branded goods and imagery in an attempt to deconstruct the visual language of corporate advertising.

Upward Mobility includes a group of dramatic banners emblazoned with aspirational imagery found on the social media page of a bank in Mexico. These are fenced in by a series of kitchen countertops and garden hedges, creating a maze-like effect which the visitor will need to navigate around to encounter a series of household appliances and objects from the artist’s native Mexico City.

Through this unique and immersive environment, Debora Delmar Corp. invites visitors to consider the implicit messaging within the advertising imagery that surrounds us each day. ” – Modern Art Oxford

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