Kent Rogowski

Kent Rogowski

Work from Love=Love.

“Rogowski’s collages are created with pieces of puzzles which are cut from the same die but depict different, unrelated images. Using these photographic fragments as his palette, Rogowski creates entirely new compositions by his careful mapping of their collisions. The intermixing of these glossy idealizations of flowers, bucolic scenery, and man-made wonders results in disorienting and wholly unique fractured fantastical landscapes. In photographing his completed objects, Rogowski transforms them yet again. Shifting the scale of the photographic image modulates the grid-like uniformity produced by the borders of the puzzle pieces, diminishing or increasing the order they exert over the chaos of the constructed image.
“I fell in love with Love=Love’s thought-provoking, wry commentary on contemporary culture immediately, so I’m truly thrilled to be exhibiting the work” comments gallery owner Jen Bekman. “Kent’s practice and product relate to, and illuminate, topics of enduring interest to me. First and foremost, the layers of his process are a meditation on the photographic image as an object, rather than as a document. The discordance that results from the recasting of these clean, bright, relentlessly happy representations of flora, blue skies, and exotic lands quite literally fractures the over-saturated, hyper-real imagery that’s so characteristic of our modern mass culture; it takes the American obsession with order, newness and perfection, and recasts it as mayhem and unreality.”” – via Jen Bekman Projects

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