Emilie Halpern

Emilie Halpern

Work from her oeuvre.

“Emilie Halpern’s new exhibition of sculpture and photography at Pepin Moore is both poetic and diffuse, tracing somewhat mystical connections between astronomy, geography and ancientEgyptian mythology. Halpern has a knack for quiet,elegant pieces that gesture toward larger existential questions, but in this case she seems to be stretching a bit for big ideas that don’t quite come together. The show is divided into two rooms, one representing the “East” of ancient Egypt, thought tobe the birthplace of the sun, and one symbolizing the “West,” or the origin of darkness. This Manichaean scheme is only gleaned from the press release; although the two rooms certainly feel different, the only explicit reference to Egypt is a pair of identical photographs of the top of a pyramid that align to form an inky black diamond — the afterlife mirrored and turned on its head…” – excerpt from Sharon Mizota’s review in the LA Times.

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