Constant Dullaart Work from Jennifer in Paradise. The letter below was posted on Rhizome. Dear Jennifer, Sometime in 1987, you were sitting on a beach in Bora Bora, looking at To’opua island, enjoying a holiday with a very serious boyfriend. The serious boyfriend, John, took a photograph of you sitting on the beach, not […]
Archives for posts tagged ‘action’
Grupa TOK
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Grupa TOK Work from their oeuvre. “If we are to excavate one example from the neglected history of east european conceptual art that is of interest, it would be Grupa TOK from Zagreb that was active in 1972. The group realized a series of actions and installations wchich dealt with the problems of art in […]
Jesse Ash
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Jesse Ash Work from The Sculptor’s Nightmare. “…The ‘somewhere else’ you describe, could be thought of materially. I mean there are rules when you use a material like chalk, or editing software like Final Cut Pro and essentially you’re doing the same thing. Cutting away, re-modeling. And these rules and structures then impose their own […]
Antoine Lefevbre
Friday, 12 February 2010
Antoine Lefevbre Work from his oeuvre. ““The exhibition’s multi-disciplinary character is a reflection of the diversity of Parsons Fine Art Program’s student body and their engagement with a wide range of current trends in global art practices,” notes Fine Arts Chair Coco Fusco. ”Students in the program hail from Turkey, Korea, Taiwan, Russia, France, Canada, […]