Archives for posts tagged ‘frames’

Brendan Fowler

Brendan Fowler Work from his oeuvre “I have worked for other artists and in galleries but have never been employed as anyone who writes condition reports. As such, I am often surprised to see very detailed reports for my sculptures when they are transported that read like ‘frame is piercing other frame / plexi is cracked in […]

Carey Denniston

Carey Denniston Work from To what degree a stone is a stranger/To what degree it is withdrawing “Carey Denniston’s works upend our typical notion of how multi-panel photographs are supposed to function. Instead of shifting our attention from one panel to another, drawing out a narrative into a wider arc, or creating associations and juxtapositions between […]

Dennis Neuschaefer-Rube

Dennis Neuschaefer-Rube Work from The Wizard of Oz Experiment and Book “The Videoinstallation “The Wizard of Oz experiment” shows the movie “The Wizard of Oz” 5829 times side by side. The movies are arranged in rows from left to right and time shifted by exactly one second each. The video starts at the top left, […]