Archives for posts tagged ‘government’

Optical Calibration Targets

Optical Calibrations Targets (via BLDGBLG). “There are dozens of aerial photo calibration targets across the USA,” the Center for Land Use Interpretation reports, “curious land-based two-dimensional optical artifacts used for the development of aerial photography and aircraft. They were made mostly in the 1950s and 1960s, though some apparently later than that, and many are still in […]

Mishka Henner

Mishka Henner Work from Dutch Landscapes. Visit Henner’s site, there are a wealth of really interesting projects also see the article on Granta. “When Google introduced its free satellite imagery service to the world in 2005, views of our planet only previously accessible to astronauts and surveyors were suddenly available to anyone with an internet […]

Trevor Paglen

Trevor Paglen Work from The Other Night Sky and Symbology. “‘The Other Night Sky’ is a project to track and photograph classified American satellites in Earth orbit, a total of 189 covert spacecraft. To develop the body of work, I was assisted by observational data produced by an international network of amateur “satellite observers.” To […]