Archives for posts tagged ‘program’

Shinseungback Kimyonghun

Shinseungback Kimyonghun Work from Click “Shinseungback Kimyonghun is a Seoul based artist group consisting of Shin Seung Back and Kim Yong Hun. Their collaborative practice explores expanding area of imaging and vision using image processing and computer vision. How do we record the computer mediated lives of ours? Open, Move, Log In, Select, Copy, Save, […]

Mike Bodge

Mike Bodge Work from N SKY C “I wrote a program that takes a picture outside of my office window every 5 minutes. It uploads the photo to a server and then analyzes the sky portion to figure out what the average sky color is at that time. The site is a constantly updating mosaic […]

John Houck

John Houck Work from A Digital Guide to Photography. “Digital Guide(s) to Photography – An expanding series of books generated with custom written software. The software generates every combination of pixels for a given grid size and set of colors. The project is working toward generating every combination of pixels possible on a modern digital […]