Caroline Turner Work from Hinterland. We, the prepared pay our dues to time, once, twice, forever. Folding and unfolding, time remembers what we shall prepare for in the future and what we have failed to prepare for in the past. Nature, drunk on instinct, grounded in its own tangibility, does what it pleases. Earth shifts […]
Archives for posts tagged ‘rendered’
Jacolby Satterwhite
Wednesday, 5 January 2022
Jacolby Satterwhite Work from his oeuvre. “Through performance, video, 3D animation, installation, and sculpture, Jacolby Satterwhite explores themes of memory, desire, and ritual. He is interested in process as a metanarrative: the narrative between past, present, and future, and how that process relates a broad, shared experience. Often using his mother’s drawings as a resource […]