Archives for posts tagged ‘sketchup’

Avery K. Singer

  Avery K. Singer Work from her oeuvre. “If one views the past, be it in glances through old magazines, in movies of lost eras, or in visions of what was to come, the stream of history is laid bare, flowing forward to the present day. If one stops at a certain point and ignores […]

Javier Fresneda

Javier Fresneda Work from Future Studies. “Looking at the works of Javier Fresneda, we see drawings; three-dimensional renderings, models; photographs; sculptures, and web pages. What gives him the right to partake of so many different media? In my view, the answer lies in his unconventional way of thinking, in which the medium is subordinate to […]

Sylvain Sailly

Sylvain Sailly Work from Instructors @ Bubblebyte. “Over the past five years, Sylvain Sailly has worked with multimedia installations that combine prints, video work, and sculptural objects. His work explores the dematerialisation of systems and procedures diffused in contemporary society, highlighting invisible processes in production which transform into the practical and meaningful. Sailly’s practice researches […]

Daniel Everett

Daniel Everett Work from his oeuvre. “Daniel Everett embodies the current technological zeitgeist shared by post dot-com kids, the kids of the dot-com kids, and the relationship we have to our interconnectivity (the internet). His work is jaded, earnest, and self mocking at the same time.” – Beautiful/Decay