Archives for posts tagged ‘smoke’

Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidson

Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidson Work from Volumes for Sound. “Throughout much of our practice we have sought to give shape and physicality to the immaterial. Many of the ideas surrounding these transformations are inspired by the processes used to record, playback and encounter sounds. This project focusses on nested forms, sculptural works that […]

Eileen Quinlan

Eileen Quinlan Work from Smoke and Mirrors. “…As the title of the series suggests, the logic of this work is divided between the rhetoric of a popular skepticism about the verity of the representational image, and the lack of a descriptive capacity regarding its material reality. That something is being obfuscated is asserted, but what […]

Phil Toledano

Phil Toledano Work from The United States of Entertainment. “I’ve always felt that the very soul of a country is reflected in the way in which it entertains itself. So how does America amuse itself? And what does it say about the very nature of the American soul? Spectacle. Destruction. Guns. Religion. And of course, scale, giant […]